Solution variable data#

A solution variable is an array variable that holds the data for a particular solved field (such as pressure or velocity). You can use solution_variable_info and solution_variable_data objects to access Fluent solution variable info and data respectively.

Accessing solution variable objects#

Launch the fluent solver, and make solution variable objects available (for example, by reading case and data files):

>>> import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent
>>> from ansys.fluent.core import examples
>>> import_filename = examples.download_file("mixing_elbow.msh.h5", "pyfluent/mixing_elbow")
>>> solver = pyfluent.launch_fluent(mode=pyfluent.FluentMode.SOLVER)
>>>"case", file_name=import_filename)

The solution_variable_info and solution_variable_data objects are attributes of the solver.fields object:

>>> solution_variable_info = solver.fields.solution_variable_info
>>> solution_variable_data = solver.fields.solution_variable_data

Solution variable info#

Solution variable metadata information can be accessed via the following solution_variable_info methods:

  • get_zones_info for zone information.

  • get_variables_info for solution variable information.

Get zone information#

You can access zone information by calling the get_zones_info method.

>>> zones_info = solution_variable_info.get_zones_info()
>>> zones_info.zones
['fluid', 'wall', 'symmetry', 'pressure-outlet-7', 'velocity-inlet-6', 'velocity-inlet-5', 'default-interior']
>>> zone_info = zones_info['wall']
>>> zone_info
name:wall count: 3630 zone_id:3 zone_type:wall thread_type:Face
>>> zone_info.count
>>> zone_info.zone_id
>>> zone_info.zone_type

Get solution variable information#

You can request solution variables information for a given domain_name and list of zone_names by calling the get_variables_info method.

>>> wall_fluid_info = solution_variable_info.get_variables_info(zone_names=['wall' , "fluid"], domain_name="mixture")
>>> wall_fluid_info.solution_variables
['SV_CENTROID', 'SV_D', 'SV_H', 'SV_K', 'SV_P', 'SV_T', 'SV_U', 'SV_V', 'SV_W']
>>> solution_variable_info_centroid = wall_fluid_info['SV_CENTROID']
>>> solution_variable_info_centroid
name:SV_CENTROID dimension:3 field_type:<class 'numpy.float64'>
<class 'numpy.float64'>

Solution variable data#

solution variable data can be extracted and modified via the following solution_variable_data methods:

  • get_data to get solution variable data.

  • set_data to set solution variable data.

Get solution variable data#

You can request solution variable data for a given domain_name and multiple zone_names by calling the get_data method and passing the particular solution_variable_name.

>>> sv_t_wall_fluid= solution_variable_data.get_data(solution_variable_name="SV_T", zone_names=["fluid", "wall"], domain_name="mixture")
>>> sv_t_wall_fluid.domain
>>> sv_t_wall_fluid.zones
['fluid', 'wall']
>>> fluid_temp = sv_t_wall_fluid['fluid']
>>> fluid_temp.size
>>> fluid_temp.dtype
>>> fluid_temp
array([600., 600., 600., ..., 600., 600., 600.])

Set solution variable data#

You can set solution variable data for a given domain_name by calling the set_data method and passing required solution_variable_name and dictionary of zone_name to numpy array of solution_variable_data

Additionally solution_variable_data object also supports create_empty_array method. This method can be used to generate numpy zeros array for a given domain_name, zone_name and solution_variable_name. This array can be populated and passed to set_data.

>>> wall_temp_array = solution_variable_data.create_empty_array("SV_T", "wall", "mixture")
>>> fluid_temp_array = solution_variable_data.create_empty_array("SV_T", "fluid", "mixture")
>>> wall_temp_array[:] = 500
>>> fluid_temp_array[:] = 600
>>> zone_names_to_solution_variable_data = {'wall':wall_temp_array, 'fluid':fluid_temp_array}
>>> solution_variable_data.set_data(solution_variable_name="SV_T", zone_names_to_solution_variable_data=zone_names_to_solution_variable_data, domain_name="mixture")