
Journaling allows you to record and play back your Fluent interactions as Python scripts (journals) seamlessly across the entire ecosystem of PyFluent, Fluent, and the Fluent Web UI without making any adjustments. Here’s how you can record a Fluent Python journal:

>>> solver.journal.start(file_name="")
<Python code>
>>> solver.journal.stop()

The software creates or overwrites the file specified by file_name, and reflects scripted and interactive actions via Python code written to the file until the stop() method is called.

The following rules govern what is written to the journal:

  1. PyFluent actions:

  • Many PyFluent actions are written to journal: all interactions with solver settings, meshing and solver workflows, preferences and Python TUI commands.

  • Any other Python code that you execute is omitted from the journal.

  1. Commands versus Queries:

  • Commands are written to journal but queries are omitted.

  • A command is any action that causes a change or side effect such as reading a case file, modifying a boundary condition setting.

  • A query is a request to get data such as computing an area average of pressure, getting a boundary condition setting.

  1. Non-GUI actions in Fluent:

  • Python calls in Fluent itself, such as those made in the Fluent Python console, are treated equivalently as if they originated in PyFluent.

  • Commands received from external clients, such as the Fluent Web UI, are treated equivalently as if they originated in PyFluent.

  • Commands invoked directly via the Fluent TUI are written to journal.

  • Calls made in the Scheme programming language are not written to journal.

  1. Fluent GUI actions:

  • Guided workflow commands invoked through the GUI are written to journal. This includes meshing workflows actions in the meshing mode GUI.

  • Commands invoked through the preferences panel in either meshing or solution mode are written to journal.

  • Other commands invoked through the solution mode GUI are not written to journal. To journal based on solution mode GUI actions, use the Fluent Web UI.

  1. Python output:

  • All Python code written to journal uses method calls on PyFluent objects.

  • Any TUI call (direct or via Python) that has a settings object equivalent is written to journal as a method call on the equivalent settings object.

  • Any such TUI call that does not have a settings object equivalent is written to journal as a call to a Python TUI command object.

  • Meshing workflow calls are written to journal according to the classic meshing workflow Python interface.