Contributing to PyFluent#
General guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the Contributing topic in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with this guide, paying particular attention to the Coding Style topic, before attempting to contribute to PyFluent.
The following contribution information is specific to PyFluent.
Clone the repository#
Follow the steps in the Development Installation section of Installation to set PyFluent up in development mode.
Run unit tests#
To run the PyFluent unit tests, execute the following command in the root
) directory of the repository:
pip install ansys-fluent-core[tests]
python -m pytest -n 4 --fluent-version=25.1
You can change the Fluent version by replacing 25.1
with the version you want to test.
Build documentation#
To build the PyFluent documentation locally, run the following commands in the root
) directory of the repository:
- Install poppler
Add <path to..>/Release-24.08.0-0/poppler-24.08.0/Library/bin to PATH.
Execute the following commands:
pip install ansys-fluent-core[docs]
quarto install tinytex --no-prompt --update-path
cd doc
set FLUENT_IMAGE_TAG=v0.25.1
make html
pip install ansys-fluent-core[docs]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y poppler-utils
quarto install tinytex --no-prompt --update-path
cd doc
set FLUENT_IMAGE_TAG=v0.25.1
make html
After the build completes, the HTML documentation is located in the
directory. You can load the index.html
file in
this directory into a web browser.
You can clear all HTML files from the _build/html
directory with:
make clean
Post issues#
Use the PyFluent Issues page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features.
Adhere to code style#
PyFluent is compliant with the PyAnsys code style. It uses the tool pre-commit to check the code style. You can install and activate this tool with:
python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
You can then use the style
rule defined in Makefile
make style
Or, you can directly execute pre-commit with:
pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
In order to have a nice Release notes section, it is important to follow the branch and commit names conventions as described in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide branch and commit naming sections.