Module that provides a method to handle deprecated arguments.
Warns that the argument provided is deprecated and automatically replaces the deprecated argument with the appropriate new argument. |
Warns that the arguments provided are deprecated and automatically replaces the deprecated arguments with the appropriate new arguments. |
- ansys.fluent.core.utils.deprecate.deprecate_argument(old_arg, new_arg, converter=<function <lambda>>, warning_cls=<class 'ansys.fluent.core.pyfluent_warnings.PyFluentDeprecationWarning'>, **kwds)#
Warns that the argument provided is deprecated and automatically replaces the deprecated argument with the appropriate new argument.
- ansys.fluent.core.utils.deprecate.deprecate_arguments(converter, warning_cls=<class 'ansys.fluent.core.pyfluent_warnings.PyFluentDeprecationWarning'>)#
Warns that the arguments provided are deprecated and automatically replaces the deprecated arguments with the appropriate new arguments.