- class ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.list_properties(name=None, parent=None)#
List active properties of the object.
- Parameters:
- object_name
Object for which properties are to be listed.
- object_name
Argument |
Summary |
Object for which properties are to be listed. |
Included in:
Parent |
Summary |
Group of phases. |
Group of phases. |
‘child_object_type’ of surface_tension. |
‘turb_visc_func_mf’ child. |
Multi-band information. |
‘phase_material’ child. |
‘multi_component_diffusion_mf’ child. |
Species Fuel and Oxidizer Fractions. |
‘injections’ child. |
Main object. |
Main object. |
The optical beams object. |
Energy source for active zone. |
Energy source for active zone in the FMU-coupling. |
‘fluid’ child. |
UDS Diffusivity settings. |
‘solid’ child. |
‘mixture’ child. |
‘volumetric_species’ child. |
Mixture species materials. |
Mixture species mass diffusion coeffients. |
First species. |
‘child_object_type’ of multicomponent. |
‘cross_section_multicomponent’ child. |
‘child_object_type’ of cross_section_multicomponent. |
‘inert_particle’ child. |
‘droplet_particle’ child. |
‘combusting_particle’ child. |
‘particle_mixture’ child. |
‘particle_species’ child. |
Species particle mixture species materials. |
Settings for cell zone condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
List of sources. |
List of variables for fixed terms. |
Settings for cell zone condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for direct irradiation on this boundary. |
Settings for diffuse irradiation on this boundary. |
Species mass fraction. |
Species mole fraction. |
Help not available. |
List of boundary conditions for Discrete population balance model. |
List of boundary values for Discrete population balance model. |
List of boundary conditions for Quadrature Moment population balance model. |
List of boundary values for Quadrature Moment population balance model. |
List of boundary conditions for QBMM population balance model. |
List of boundary values for QBMM population balance model. |
List of boundary conditions for Standard population balance model. |
List of boundary values for Standard population balance model. |
List of boundary conditions for DQMOM population balance model. |
List of boundary values for DQMOM population balance model. |
User-defined scalar boundary condition. |
User-defined scalar boundary value or flux. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Species mass fraction. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Contact angle values. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
List of Species mass fractions or mole fractions. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for boundary-condition object. |
‘phase’ child. |
Settings for diffuse irradiation on this boundary. |
Diffuse fraction. |
Internal emissivity. |
Species Boundary Conditions. |
List of Species mass fractions or mole fractions. |
List of species mass fractions or mole fractions. |
Create mesh interfaces. |
Create turbo interfaces. |
Create local coordinate systems with a given position and orientation, either with or without motion. |
‘named_expressions’ child. |
‘parts’ child. |
‘bodies’ child. |
‘faces’ child. |
‘groups’ child. |
Thread-type. |
‘phase’ child. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Thread-type. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
Domain name to define settings on. |
Thread-type. |
‘phase’ child. |
Physics interface definitions. |
Discretization scheme. |
The volume fraction limits for the turbulent dispersion limiting function. |
Velocity and vof cutoff. |
Damping strength. |
Phase-based vof discretization. |
Explicit relaxation object. |
Under Relaxation Menu. |
Local time step relaxation factor. |
Global time step relaxation factor. |
Multi-grid controls object. |
Equations to be solved. |
Multi-grid controls object. |
AMG GPGPU options object. |
Local time step method object. |
Global time step method object. |
NCI Secondary Gradient Correction object. |
Correction tolerance object. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
The report definition type. |
The report definition type. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
The report definition type. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
The report definition type. |
Create a new or edit an existing report definition. |
The various equations that can be monitored. For example, continuity, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, energy, k, and omega. |
Available options related to report files. |
Available options related to report plots. |
Available options related to creating convergence reports. |
‘cell_registers’ child. |
Defaults object. |
Configure species settings. |
‘child_object_type’ of species. |
‘solution_animations’ child. |
The extrapolation object. |
Data sampling datasets object. |
Provides access to creating custom field function. |
‘custom_vectors’ child. |
Provides access to creating point surfaces (surfaces containing a single data point). |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing line surfaces. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing rake surfaces. |
The attributes of plane surface. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing iso-surfaces. These surfaces can be iso-valued sections of an existing surface or of the entire domain. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing clip surfaces. The clipped surface consists of those points on the selected surface where the scalar field values are within the specified range. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing zone surfaces. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing partition surfaces. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing transform surfaces. You can create a new transform surface by rotating and/or translating an existing surface and/or by specifying a constant normal distance from it. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing imprint surfaces. You can import a custom surface representing the region of interest (.stl, .msh, or .cas format) and imprint this surface into the current mesh. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing plane slices. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing sphere slices. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing quadric surfaces. You can display data on a general quadric surface where you can specify the surface by entering the coefficients of the quadric function that defines it. This feature provides you with an explicit method for defining surfaces. |
Extract all cells intersected by a data surface. |
Provides access to creating new and editing existing expression-surfaces. |
Provides access to creating new group and ungroup existing surfaces. |
‘mesh’ child. |
‘contour’ child. |
‘vector’ child. |
‘pathline’ child. |
‘particle_track’ child. |
‘lic’ child. |
‘olic’ child. |
‘volumes’ child. |
‘type_name’ child. |
‘display_states’ child. |
The mirror planes options object. |
Periodic instance objects are used to specify periodic repetition of surfaces. |
‘xy_plot’ child. |
Cumulative plots. |
‘scene’ child. |
The graphics objects object. |
Adjoint-observables-named named-object-class. |
The adjoint solution methods object. |
Associated adjoint equations. |
Adjoint advancement controls object. |
Adjoint under-relaxation controls object. |
‘adjoint_equations’ child. |
Design region boundary continuity settings. |
Condition definitions named-object-class. |
Objectives used in design change tool. |
Design change parameter. |
Design results information. |
Parameter values of the given condition. |
Design variable limits. |
‘parametric_studies’ child. |
‘design_points’ child. |
Input Parameter Values of Design Point. |
Output Parameter Values of Design Point. |
Use input parameter in scheme-procedure. |
Use input parameter in solver-udf. |
‘expression’ child. |
‘report_definitions’ child. |
Named Expression parameters object. |