
class ansys.fluent.core.generated.meshing.tui_242.main_menu.boundary.remesh(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Has a set of commands for remeshing the face zones.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


clear_marked_faces(service, version, mode, path)

Clears the highlighting of the triangles that are marked.

coarsen_and_refine(service, version, mode, path)

Remeshes (coarsens/refines) the boundary face zones based on the computed size field.

controls(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the edge loop tools text menu.

create_all_intrst_loops(service, version, ...)

Creates edge loop of intersection for all boundary zones in current domain.

create_edge_loops(service, version, mode, path)

Creates edge loops for a specified face zone, based on feature angle.

create_intersect_loop(service, version, ...)

Creates an interior edge loop at the intersection between two adjacent face zones.

create_join_loop(service, version, mode, path)

Creates edge loop on boundary of the region of overlap of two surfaces.

create_stitch_loop(service, version, mode, path)

Creates edge loops for connecting two surfaces along their free edges.

delete_overlapped_edges(service, version, ...)

Deletes edges that overlap selected edge loops.

faceted_stitch_zones(service, version, mode, ...)

Performs the faceted stitching of zones.

insert_edge_zone(service, version, mode, path)

Inserts an edge zone into a triangulated boundary face zone.

intersect_all_face_zones(service, version, ...)

Remeshes all the intersecting face zones.

intersect_face_zones(service, version, mode, ...)

Remeshes two intersecting face zones so that they become conformal.

join_all_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)

Connects all overlapping face zones using the join operation.

join_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)

Connects two overlapping faces.

mark_intersecting_faces(service, version, ...)

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the line of intersection.

mark_join_faces(service, version, mode, path)

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the join edge loop.

mark_stitch_faces(service, version, mode, path)

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the stitch edge loop.

remesh_constant_size(service, version, mode, ...)

Remeshes the specified face zones to a constant triangle size while maintaining conformity with adjacent zones.

remesh_face_zone(service, version, mode, path)

Remeshes a specified face zone by automatically extracting edge loops.

remesh_face_zones_conformally(service, ...)

Remeshes face zones using the current size function and keeping a conformal interface between them.

remesh_marked_faces(service, version, mode, path)

Locally remesh marked faces.

remesh_overlapping_zones(service, version, ...)

Remeshes overlapping face zones.

size_functions(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the size functions menu where you can define size functions for controlling mesh size distribution.

stitch_all_face_zones(service, version, ...)

Connects (stitches) all the face zones along the free edges.

stitch_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)

Connects two surfaces along their free edges.

stitch_with_preserve_boundary(service, ...)

Connects (stitches) a zone to another which is connected to an existing volume mesh, while preserving the boundary of the zones connected to the volume mesh.

triangulate(service, version, mode, path)

Triangulates quad zones.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class clear_marked_faces(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Clears the highlighting of the triangles that are marked.

class coarsen_and_refine(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes (coarsens/refines) the boundary face zones based on the computed size field. Specify the boundary face zones to be remeshed, the boundary edge zones, feature angle, and corner angle. Additionally, specify whether the current boundary face zones should be replaced by the remeshed face zones after the operation is complete.

class create_all_intrst_loops(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates edge loop of intersection for all boundary zones in current domain.

class create_edge_loops(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates edge loops for a specified face zone, based on feature angle.

class create_intersect_loop(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates an interior edge loop at the intersection between two adjacent face zones. Edges created in this way will not be remeshed by default.

class create_join_loop(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates edge loop on boundary of the region of overlap of two surfaces.

class create_stitch_loop(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates edge loops for connecting two surfaces along their free edges.

class delete_overlapped_edges(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Deletes edges that overlap selected edge loops.

class faceted_stitch_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Performs the faceted stitching of zones.

class insert_edge_zone(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Inserts an edge zone into a triangulated boundary face zone.

class intersect_all_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes all the intersecting face zones. After the intersect operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class intersect_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes two intersecting face zones so that they become conformal. After the intersect operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class join_all_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Connects all overlapping face zones using the join operation. After the join operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class join_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Connects two overlapping faces. After the join operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class mark_intersecting_faces(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the line of intersection.

class mark_join_faces(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the join edge loop.

class mark_stitch_faces(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the stitch edge loop.

class remesh_constant_size(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes the specified face zones to a constant triangle size while maintaining conformity with adjacent zones. Specify the boundary face zones to be remeshed, the boundary edge zones, feature angle, corner angle, and the constant size. Additionally, specify whether the current boundary face zones should be replaced by the remeshed face zones after the operation is complete.

class remesh_face_zone(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes a specified face zone by automatically extracting edge loops. If edge loops are present in the current domain (for example, if they were created using the create-edge-loops command), they are used to remesh the specified face zone.

class remesh_face_zones_conformally(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes face zones using the current size function and keeping a conformal interface between them. If no size function is defined, an error message will be generated. This command will prompt for: Boundary Face Zones Boundary Edge Zones feature angle – used to determine the minimum angle between features that will be preserved during remeshing corner angle – used to specify the minimum angle between feature edges that will be preserved Replace Face Zone? – (default is Yes) the remeshed face zone(s) will take the name and -id of the original zones, and the original face zone(s) will have “orig” appended to their name. If No, the remeshed face zone(s) will have “retri” added postfix. Periodic face zones cannot be remeshed using this command.

class remesh_marked_faces(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Locally remesh marked faces.

class remesh_overlapping_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Remeshes overlapping face zones. The non-overlapping region is remeshed using the edge loops created from the overlapping face zones.

class stitch_all_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Connects (stitches) all the face zones along the free edges. After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class stitch_face_zones(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Connects two surfaces along their free edges. After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no.

class stitch_with_preserve_boundary(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Connects (stitches) a zone to another which is connected to an existing volume mesh, while preserving the boundary of the zones connected to the volume mesh. Specify a list of boundary zones to be preserved, a list of the boundary zones to be connected to each of these zones, and the tolerance value. After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no This command will not work for overlapping or partially overlapping face zones.

class triangulate(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Triangulates quad zones.