
class, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the report menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


boundary_cell_quality(service, version, ...)

Reports the number and quality limits of boundary cells containing the specified number of boundary faces.

cell_distribution(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the distribution of cell quality or size based on the bounding limits and number of partitions specified.

cell_quality_limits(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the cell quality limits.

cell_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the cell size limits.

cell_zone_at_location(service, version, ...)

Returns the cell zone at or closest to the specified location.

cell_zone_volume(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the volume of the specified cell zone.

edge_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the edge size limits.

enhanced_orthogonal_quality(service, ...)

Employs an enhanced definition of the orthogonal quality measure that combines a variety of quality measures, including: the orthogonality of a face relative to a vector between the face and cell centroids; a metric that detects poor cell shape at a local edge (such as twisting and/or concavity); and the variation of normals between the faces that can be constructed from the cell face.

face_distribution(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the distribution of face quality or size based on the bounding limits and number of partitions specified.

face_node_degree_distribution(service, ...)

Reports the distribution of boundary faces based on face node degree.

face_quality_limits(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the face quality limits.

face_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the face size limits.

face_zone_area(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the area of the specified face zone.

face_zone_at_location(service, version, ...)

Reports the face zone at the given location.

list_cell_quality(service, version, mode, path)

Reports a list of cells with the specified quality measure within a specified range.

memory_usage(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the amount of memory used for all nodes, faces, and cells, and the total memory allocated.

mesh_size(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the number of nodes, faces, and cells in the mesh.

mesh_statistics(service, version, mode, path)

Writes mesh statistics (such as zone information, number of cells, faces, and nodes, range of quality and size) to an external file.

meshing_time(service, version, mode, path)

Report meshing time.

neighborhood_quality(service, version, mode, ...)

Reports the maximum skewness, aspect ratio, or size change of all cells using a specified node.

number_meshed(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the number of elements that have been meshed.

print_info(service, version, mode, path)

Prints information about individual components of the mesh.

quality_method(service, version, mode, path)

Specifies the method to be used for reporting face and cell quality.

spy_level(service, version, mode, path)

Spy on meshing process.

unrefined_cells(service, version, mode, path)

Reports the number of cells that have not been refined.

update_bounding_box(service, version, mode, path)

Updates the bounding box.

verbosity_level(service, version, mode, path)

Specifies how much information should be displayed during mesh initialization, refinement and other operations.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class boundary_cell_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the number and quality limits of boundary cells containing the specified number of boundary faces. If you specify zero for number of boundary faces, you will be prompted for number of boundary nodes.

class cell_distribution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the distribution of cell quality or size based on the bounding limits and number of partitions specified.

class cell_quality_limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the cell quality limits.

class cell_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the cell size limits.

class cell_zone_at_location(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Returns the cell zone at or closest to the specified location.

class cell_zone_volume(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the volume of the specified cell zone.

class edge_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the edge size limits.

class enhanced_orthogonal_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Employs an enhanced definition of the orthogonal quality measure that combines a variety of quality measures, including: the orthogonality of a face relative to a vector between the face and cell centroids; a metric that detects poor cell shape at a local edge (such as twisting and/or concavity); and the variation of normals between the faces that can be constructed from the cell face. This definition is optimal for evaluating thin prism cells.

class face_distribution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the distribution of face quality or size based on the bounding limits and number of partitions specified.

class face_node_degree_distribution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the distribution of boundary faces based on face node degree. The node degree is the number of faces connected to the node. Specify the list of boundary face zones and the minimum and maximum face node degree to be reported. You can also consider only internal nodes, if required.

class face_quality_limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the face quality limits.

class face_size_limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the face size limits.

class face_zone_area(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the area of the specified face zone.

class face_zone_at_location(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the face zone at the given location.

class list_cell_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports a list of cells with the specified quality measure within a specified range. The valid prefixes are bn (boundary node), n (node), bf (boundary face), f (face), and c (cell).

class memory_usage(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the amount of memory used for all nodes, faces, and cells, and the total memory allocated.

class mesh_size(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the number of nodes, faces, and cells in the mesh.

class mesh_statistics(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Writes mesh statistics (such as zone information, number of cells, faces, and nodes, range of quality and size) to an external file.

class meshing_time(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Report meshing time.

class neighborhood_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the maximum skewness, aspect ratio, or size change of all cells using a specified node.

class number_meshed(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the number of elements that have been meshed.

class print_info(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Prints information about individual components of the mesh. This command also appears in the boundary menu. When you use this command, you will be prompted for an “entity” (that is, a node, face, or cell). An entity name consists of a prefix and an index. For a description of the displayed information see.

class quality_method(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Specifies the method to be used for reporting face and cell quality.

class spy_level(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Spy on meshing process.

class unrefined_cells(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reports the number of cells that have not been refined.

class update_bounding_box(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Updates the bounding box.

class verbosity_level(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Specifies how much information should be displayed during mesh initialization, refinement and other operations. Changing the value to 2 from the default value of 1 will produce more messages, while changing it to 0 will disable all messages.