Fault-tolerant meshing workflow using settings objects#

This example sets up and solves a three-dimensional turbulent fluid flow in a manifold exhaust system, which is common in the automotive industry, using the PyFluent Settings API. Predicting the flow field in the area of the mixing region is important to designing the junction properly.

This example uses the guided workflow for fault-tolerant meshing because it is appropriate for geometries that can have imperfections, such as gaps and leakages.

Workflow tasks

The fault-tolerant meshing workflow guides you through these tasks:

  • Import a CAD geometry and manage individual parts

  • Generate a surface mesh

  • Cap inlets and outlets

  • Extract a fluid region

  • Define leakages

  • Extract edge features

  • Set up size controls

  • Generate a volume mesh

Problem description

In the manifold exhaust system, air flows through the three inlets with a uniform velocity of 1 m/s. The air then exits through the outlet. A small pipe is placed in the main portion of the manifold where edge extraction is considered. The example also includes a known small leakage to demonstrate the automatic leakage detection aspects of the meshing workflow.

Example Setup#

Before you can use the fault-tolerant meshing workflow, you must set up the example and initialize this workflow.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports, which includes downloading and importing the geometry file.

import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent
from ansys.fluent.core import examples

import_file_name = examples.download_file(
    "exhaust_system.fmd", "pyfluent/exhaust_system"

Launch Fluent#

Launch Fluent as a service in meshing mode with double precision running on two processors and print Fluent version.

meshing = pyfluent.launch_fluent(
Fluent version 2025 R1

Initialize workflow#

Initialize the fault-tolerant meshing workflow.

meshing.workflow.InitializeWorkflow(WorkflowType="Fault-tolerant Meshing")

Fault-folerant meshing workflow#

The fault-tolerant meshing workflow guides you through the many tasks that follow.

Import CAD and manage parts#

Import the CAD geometry file (exhaust_system.fmd) and selectively manage some parts.

    FilePath=import_file_name, IgnoreSolidNames=False, PartPerBody=False
meshing.PartManagement.Node["Meshing Model"].Copy(
        "/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper," + "1/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper,1/main,1",
        "/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper," + "1/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper,1/flow-pipe,1",
        "/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper," + "1/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper,1/outpipe3,1",
        "/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper," + "1/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper,1/object2,1",
        "/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper," + "1/dirty_manifold-for-wrapper,1/object1,1",
cad_import = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Import CAD and Part Management"]
        "Context": 0,
        "CreateObjectPer": "Custom",
        "FMDFileName": import_file_name,
        "FileLoaded": "yes",
        "ObjectSetting": "DefaultObjectSetting",
        "Options": {
            "Line": False,
            "Solid": False,
            "Surface": False,
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session.py:383: PyFluentUserWarning: You have directly called the upload() method of the session.         Please be advised that for the current version of Fluent, many API methods         automatically handle file uploads and downloads internally. You may not         need to explicitly call upload() in most cases.         However, there are exceptions, particularly in PMFileManagement, where complex         file interactions require explicit use of upload()  method         for relevant files.
  warnings.warn(self._file_transfer_api_warning("upload()"), PyFluentUserWarning)
    loading data from '/mnt/pyfluent/exhaust_system.fmd' ...
    classifying 115 edge occurrences ...
    classified 67 feature edge edges by feature angle
    classified 0 single-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 multi-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 sheet edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 wire edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 10 feature edges by group criteria
    processing 8 zones ...
    post-processing 0 zones for feature edge extraction ...
    classifying 2 edge occurrences ...
    classified 1 feature edge edge by feature angle
    classified 0 single-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 multi-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 sheet edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 wire edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 10 feature edges by group criteria
    processing 5 zones ...
    post-processing 0 zones for feature edge extraction ...
    classifying 13 edge occurrences ...
    classified 8 feature edge edges by feature angle
    classified 0 single-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 multi-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 sheet edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 wire edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 10 feature edges by group criteria
    processing 8 zones ...
    post-processing 0 zones for feature edge extraction ...
    classifying 13 edge occurrences ...
    classified 8 feature edge edges by feature angle
    classified 0 single-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 multi-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 sheet edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 wire edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 10 feature edges by group criteria
    processing 8 zones ...
    post-processing 0 zones for feature edge extraction ...
    classifying 50 edge occurrences ...
    classified 16 feature edge edges by feature angle
    classified 0 single-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 multi-connected edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 sheet edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 0 wire edges as feature edge(s)
    classified 10 feature edges by group criteria
    processing 8 zones ...
    post-processing 0 zones for feature edge extraction ...
"Meshing objects are created"

Describe geometry and flow#

Describe the geometry and the flow characteristics.

describe_geom = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Describe Geometry and Flow"]
        "AddEnclosure": "No",
        "CloseCaps": "Yes",
        "FlowType": "Internal flow through the object",
        "AddEnclosure": "No",
        "CloseCaps": "Yes",
        "DescribeGeometryAndFlowOptions": {
            "AdvancedOptions": True,
            "ExtractEdgeFeatures": "Yes",
        "FlowType": "Internal flow through the object",

Enclose openings#

Enclose (cap) any openings in the geometry.

../../_images/exhaust_system_011.png ../../_images/exhaust_system_012.png
capping = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Enclose Fluid Regions (Capping)"]
        "CreatePatchPreferences": {
            "ShowCreatePatchPreferences": False,
        "PatchName": "inlet-1",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet.1"],
        "CreatePatchPreferences": {
            "ShowCreatePatchPreferences": False,
        "PatchName": "inlet-1",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet.1"],

        "PatchName": "inlet-2",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet.2"],
        "PatchName": "inlet-2",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet.2"],

        "PatchName": "inlet-3",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet"],
        "PatchName": "inlet-3",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["inlet"],

        "PatchName": "outlet-1",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["outlet"],
        "ZoneType": "pressure-outlet",
        "PatchName": "outlet-1",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["outlet"],
        "ZoneType": "pressure-outlet",

removed 128 faces.
64 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.

---------------- Patching of inlet-1 complete.
removed 128 faces.
64 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.

---------------- Patching of inlet-2 complete.
removed 128 faces.
64 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.

---------------- Patching of inlet-3 complete.
removed 128 faces.
64 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.

---------------- Patching of outlet-1 complete.

Extract edge features#

Extract edge features.

edge_features = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Extract Edge Features"]
        "ExtractMethodType": "Intersection Loops",
        "ObjectSelectionList": ["flow_pipe", "main"],

edge_group = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["edge-group-1"]
        "ExtractEdgesName": "edge-group-1",
        "ExtractMethodType": "Intersection Loops",
        "ObjectSelectionList": ["flow_pipe", "main"],

 ExtractEdgesName : edge-group-1
 ExtractMethodType : Intersection Loops
 SelectionType : object
 ObjectSelectionList: (flow_pipe main)
 GeomObjectSelectionList: ()
 ZoneSelectionList: ()
 LabelSelectionList : ()
 FeatureAngleLocal : 40
 IndividualCollective : collectively
 SharpAngle : 110

Identify regions#

Identify regions.

identify_regions = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Identify Regions"]
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "X": 377.322045740589,
        "Y": -176.800676988458,
        "Z": -37.0764628583475,
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["main.1"],
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "X": 377.322045740589,
        "Y": -176.800676988458,
        "Z": -37.0764628583475,
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["main.1"],

fluid_region_1 = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["fluid-region-1"]
        "MaterialPointsName": "fluid-region-1",
        "SelectionType": "zone",
        "X": 377.322045740589,
        "Y": -176.800676988458,
        "Z": -37.0764628583475,
        "ZoneLocation": [
        "ZoneSelectionList": ["main.1"],

        "MaterialPointsName": "void-region-1",
        "NewRegionType": "void",
        "ObjectSelectionList": ["inlet-1", "inlet-2", "inlet-3", "main"],
        "X": 374.722045740589,
        "Y": -278.9775145640143,
        "Z": -161.1700719416913,



 AddChild: yes
 MaterialPointsName : fluid-region-1
 MptMethodType : Centroid of Objects
 NewRegionType : fluid
 LinkConstruction : no
 SelectionType : zone
 ZoneSelectionList : (main.1)
 ZoneLocation : (1 213.32205 -225.28068 -158.25531 541.32205 -128.32068 84.102381 main.1)
 LabelSelectionList : ()
 ObjectSelectionList : ()
 GraphicalSelection : #t
 ShowCoordinates : #f
 X : 377.32205
 Y : -176.80068
 Z : -37.076463
 OffsetX : 0
 OffsetY : 0
 OffsetZ : 0
 Material point fluid-region-1 is created.
 AddChild: yes
 MaterialPointsName : void-region-1
 MptMethodType : Centroid of Objects
 NewRegionType : void
 LinkConstruction : no
 SelectionType : object
 ZoneSelectionList : ()
 ZoneLocation : ()
 LabelSelectionList : ()
 ObjectSelectionList : (inlet-1 inlet-2 inlet-3 main)
 GraphicalSelection : #t
 ShowCoordinates : #f
 X : 374.72205
 Y : -278.97751
 Z : -161.17007
 OffsetX : 0
 OffsetY : 0
 OffsetZ : 0
 Material point void-region-1 is created.

Define thresholds for leakages#

Define thresholds for potential leakages.

leakage_threshold = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Define Leakage Threshold"]
        "AddChild": "yes",
        "FlipDirection": True,
        "PlaneDirection": "X",
        "RegionSelectionSingle": "void-region-1",

leakage_1 = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["leakage-1"]
        "AddChild": "yes",
        "FlipDirection": True,
        "LeakageName": "leakage-1",
        "PlaneDirection": "X",
        "RegionSelectionSingle": "void-region-1",
        "AddChild": "yes",
 AddChild: yes
 LeakageName: leakage-1
 SelectionType: identified region
 DeadRegionsList: ()
 RegionSelectionSingle: (void-region-1)
 DeadRegionsSize: 6.4
 PlaneClippingValue: 50
 PlaneDirection: X
 FlipDirection: #t

Review region settings#

Review the region settings.

update_region = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Update Region Settings"]
        "AllRegionFilterCategories": ["2"] * 5 + ["1"] * 2,
        "AllRegionLeakageSizeList": ["none"] * 6 + ["6.4"],
        "AllRegionLinkedConstructionSurfaceList": ["n/a"] * 6 + ["no"],
        "AllRegionMeshMethodList": ["none"] * 6 + ["wrap"],
        "AllRegionNameList": [
        "AllRegionOversetComponenList": ["no"] * 7,
        "AllRegionSourceList": ["object"] * 5 + ["mpt"] * 2,
        "AllRegionTypeList": ["void"] * 6 + ["fluid"],
        "AllRegionVolumeFillList": ["none"] * 6 + ["tet"],
        "FilterCategory": "Identified Regions",
        "OldRegionLeakageSizeList": [""],
        "OldRegionMeshMethodList": ["wrap"],
        "OldRegionNameList": ["fluid-region-1"],
        "OldRegionOversetComponenList": ["no"],
        "OldRegionTypeList": ["fluid"],
        "OldRegionVolumeFillList": ["hexcore"],
        "RegionLeakageSizeList": [""],
        "RegionMeshMethodList": ["wrap"],
        "RegionNameList": ["fluid-region-1"],
        "RegionOversetComponenList": ["no"],
        "RegionTypeList": ["fluid"],
        "RegionVolumeFillList": ["tet"],
---------------- Regions Updated

Set mesh control options#

Set mesh control options.

meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Choose Mesh Control Options"].Execute()
(WrapSizeFieldFileName) not found in dict
(TargeSizeFieldFileName) not found in dict

Generate surface mesh#

Generate the surface mesh.

meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Generate the Surface Mesh"].Execute()
Writing "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152/TaskObject16.msh.h5" ...
writing 19 node zones
writing 11 edge zones
writing 13 face zones
done.Writing "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152//ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system.msh.h5" ...
writing 19 node zones
writing 11 edge zones
writing 13 face zones
done.Scoped sizing written to the file "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152//ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system-target.szcontrol" successfully
Scoped sizing written to the file "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152//ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system-initial.szcontrol" successfully

Reading "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152//ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system-target.sf"...

 Read 41961 vertices
    initializing octree...
    refining octree...
 Wrap-v2 projection mode set to 1
 Projection completed in 0.408891 s, 121658.339264 nodes/sec

Index exceed valid range, 2.
No grid of ID, 2.
Min mesh size 0.000000 is too small.Max mesh size 0.000000 is too small.    initializing octree...
    refining octree...

Reading "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152//ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system-target.sf"...

 Read 41961 vertices
Found 0 nodes with invalid normals
Found 0 nodes with invalid normals
Found 0 faces with invalid dihedral angle

Gentle Improve for wrapper-surf-fluid-region-1 in 0.0038980166 minutes (6.4967275e-05 hours)

Gentle Improve for wrapper-surf-fluid-region-1 in 0.0012791872 minutes (2.1320052e-05 hours)

Gentle Improve for wrapper-surf-fluid-region-1 in 0.00121243 minutes (2.0207498e-05 hours)

Reading "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152/ftm-wf-out-exhaust_system.msh.h5" ...
3D mesh
nodes: 23303
edges: 4754
faces: 33738
cells: 0
reading 19 node zones
reading 11 edge zones
reading 13 face zones
appending mesh...
generating pointers...done.
extracting boundary entities...
 37422 boundary nodes.
 61954 boundary faces.
 14 boundary face zones.

Surface Mesh:
Wrapping Method ----------------------------------standard
Computed SF in -----------------------------------0.023204919 minutes (0.00038674865 hours).

Automatic closing of holes (inner wrap) in -----0.059723751 minutes (0.00099539585 hours).
Wrapped all material point regions in ------------0.1734685 minutes (0.0028911417 hours).
Surface mesh all fluid objects in ----------------0 minutes (0 hours).
Surface Improved in ------------------------------0.054714084 minutes (0.00091190139 hours).
Surface Improved (resolve_int) in ----------------0.0082226356 minutes (0.00013704393 hours).
Connected all fluid mesh objects in --------------2.6861827e-06 minutes (4.4769711e-08 hours).
Compute Volume-Fill Regions in -------------------0 minutes (0 hours).
Solid surface mesh generated and Improved in -----0 minutes (0 hours).
Total (surface mesh)                              0.31938111 minutes (0.0053230185 hours)

------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ----------
                     name skewed-cells (> 0.80)    averaged-skewness maximum-skewness face count
------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ----------
           fluid-region-1                     0          0.037079067       0.78417367      28216

------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ----------
                     name skewed-cells (> 0.80)    averaged-skewness maximum-skewness face count
------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ----------
          Overall Summary                     0          0.037079067       0.78417367      28216

Confirm and update boundaries#

Confirm and update the boundaries.

meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Update Boundaries"].Execute()
---------------- Boundary Conditions Updated

Add boundary layers#

Add boundary layers.

meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Add Boundary Layers"].AddChildToTask()

meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Add Boundary Layers"].InsertCompoundChildTask()

        "BLControlName": "aspect-ratio_1",
meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Add Boundary Layers"].Arguments.set_state({})


Generate volume mesh#

Generate the volume mesh.

volume_mesh_gen = meshing.workflow.TaskObject["Generate the Volume Mesh"]
        "AllRegionNameList": [
        "AllRegionSizeList": ["11.33375"] * 7,
        "AllRegionVolumeFillList": ["none"] * 6 + ["tet"],
        "EnableParallel": True,
Writing "/mnt/pyfluent/FM_441db29107b4_152/TaskObject23.msh.h5" ...
writing 21 node zones
writing 11 edge zones
writing 22 face zones

Warning: growing more than 1 layer of prisms may take a long time.

    warning: material point fluid-region-1 ignored because face zone label with same name exists.

creating backup for object "fluid-region-1"...done.

Generating initial mesh...
    the existing Size Field will be used.

Refining mesh...
All cells met the target quality.

No cells below quality 0.0001.

Release:        (25 1 0  2025)
Build Time:     Nov 10 2024 02:36:51 EST
Build ID:       10209

Mesh Info for exhaust_system:

Total cell count: 254944

Wall-Clock Usage (Estimate) for exhaust_system:
Surface Mesh:
Wrapping Method ----------------------------------standard
Computed SF in -----------------------------------0.023204919 minutes (0.00038674865 hours).

Automatic closing of holes (inner wrap) in -----0.059723751 minutes (0.00099539585 hours).
Wrapped all material point regions in ------------0.1734685 minutes (0.0028911417 hours).
Surface mesh all fluid objects in ----------------0 minutes (0 hours).
Surface Improved in ------------------------------0.054714084 minutes (0.00091190139 hours).
Surface Improved (resolve_int) in ----------------0.0082226356 minutes (0.00013704393 hours).
Connected all fluid mesh objects in --------------2.6861827e-06 minutes (4.4769711e-08 hours).
Compute Volume-Fill Regions in -------------------0 minutes (0 hours).
Solid surface mesh generated and Improved in -----0 minutes (0 hours).
Total (surface mesh)                              0.31938111 minutes (0.0053230185 hours)

Volume Mesh:
Quality Method -----------------------------------Orthogonal
Continuous Prisms generated and Improved in ------0.053169866 minutes (0.00088616444 hours).
Volume-fill in -----------------------------------0.057126085 minutes (0.00095210142 hours).
Generated Rapid-octree in ------------------------0 minutes (0 hours).
Solid volume mesh generated and Improved in ------0 minutes (0 hours).
Rezoned and final volume mesh improve in ---------0.013953571 minutes (0.00023255951 hours).
Total (volume mesh)                               0.12424952 minutes (0.0020708254 hours)
Total                                             0.44363063 minutes (0.0073938439 hours)

Memory Usage for exhaust_system:

       | Virtual Mem Usage (GB)   | Resident Mem Usage(GB)   |
ID     | Current      Peak        | Current      Peak        | Page Faults
host   | 1.03567      1.093       | 0.535416     0.535416    | 0
n0     | 3.51926      3.93314     | 0.434498     1.13361     | 864
n1     | 3.02101      3.02101     | 0.217873     0.217873    | 92
Total  | 7.57594      8.04715     | 1.18779      1.88689     | 956

                    | Virtual Mem Usage (GB)    | Resident Mem Usage(GB)    | System Mem (GB)
Hostname            | Current      Peak         | Current      Peak         |
441db29107b4        | 7.57594      8.04715      | 1.18779      1.88689      | 31.3416
Total               | 7.57594      8.04715      | 1.18779      1.88689      |

Quality Report for exhaust_system:
Report of Cell Orthogonal Quality:

              Region Name   Quality<0.100   Quality<0.040   Min Quality Cell Count
-------------------------  --------------  -------------- ------------- ----------
           fluid-region-1               2               0         0.065     254944

              Region Name   Quality<0.100   Quality<0.040   Min Quality Cell Count
-------------------------  --------------  -------------- ------------- ----------
          Overall Summary               2               0         0.065     254944

Parallel Partitions:
General Info:

Total faces : 598508
Total cells : 254944

Participating nodes :     (0)
Non-participating nodes : (1)

Faces Info:

node  0 :   598508 (100.0%) faces =>   476186 triangular,   122322 quadrilateral

Cells Info:

node  0 :   254944 (100.0%) cells =>   173575 tetrahedral,    81369 wedge

Check mesh#

Check the mesh.

Domain extents.
  x-coordinate: min = 2.133220e+02, max = 5.413220e+02.
  y-coordinate: min = -3.613432e+02, max = -1.283207e+02.
  z-coordinate: min = -3.692476e+02, max = 8.410238e+01.
Volume statistics.
  minimum volume: 1.144296e-01.
  maximum volume: 3.218042e+02.
    total volume: 5.479143e+06.
Face area statistics.
   minimum face area: 4.247814e-03.
   maximum face area: 1.743890e+04.
   average face area: 1.214504e+01.
Checking number of nodes per edge.
Checking number of nodes per face.
Checking number of nodes per cell.
Checking number of faces/neighbors per cell.
Checking cell faces/neighbors.
Checking isolated cells.
Checking face handedness.
Checking periodic face pairs.
Checking face children.
Checking face zone boundary conditions.
Checking for invalid node coordinates.
Checking poly cells.
Checking zones.
Checking neighborhood.
Checking modified centroid.
Checking non-positive or too small area.
Checking face zones thread type.

Solve and postprocess#

Once you have completed the fault tolerate meshing workflow, you can solve and postprcess the results.

Switch to solution mode#

Switch to the solution mode.

solver = meshing.switch_to_solver()


deleting exterior entities...done.
unused zone boundary-node-17173 removed
unused zone boundary-node-17174 removed

Info: Your license enables 4-way parallel execution.
For faster simulations, please start the application with the appropriate parallel options.

Transferring mesh
        creating threads... done
        transferring nodes... done
        transferring cells... done
        transferring faces... done
        post mesh transfer operations... done

        auto partitioning mesh by Metis (fast),
        distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 99399/1555 = 63.9222
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'mesh' is deprecated. Use 'settings.mesh' instead.
Mesh is now scaled to meters.

 Domain Extents:
   x-coordinate: min (m) = 2.154117e-01, max (m) = 5.349967e-01
   y-coordinate: min (m) = -3.600511e-01, max (m) = -1.293207e-01
   z-coordinate: min (m) = -3.626890e-01, max (m) = 8.410238e-02
 Volume statistics:
   minimum volume (m3): 1.144296e-10
   maximum volume (m3): 3.218042e-07
     total volume (m3): 5.479143e-03
 Face area statistics:
   minimum face area (m2): 4.376851e-07
   maximum face area (m2): 1.004804e-04
 Checking mesh.....................................

Note: Settings to improve the robustness of pathline and
      particle tracking have been automatically enabled.

Select turbulence model#

Select the kw sst turbulence model.

viscous = solver.setup.models.viscous

viscous.model = "k-omega"
viscous.k_omega_model = "sst"
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'setup' is deprecated. Use 'settings.setup' instead.

Set velocity and turbulence boundary conditions for first inlet#

Set the velocity and turbulence boundary conditions for the first inlet (inlet-1).

boundary_conditions = solver.setup.boundary_conditions

boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet["inlet-1"] = {
    "momentum": {
        "velocity_specification_method": "Magnitude, Normal to Boundary",
        "velocity": {
            "value": 1,

Set same boundary conditions for other velocity inlets#

Set the same boundary conditions for the other velocity inlets (inlet_2 and inlet_3).

    to=["inlet-2", "inlet-3"],
 Copy inlet-1 boundary conditions to inlet-2
Copy inlet-1 boundary conditions to inlet-3

Set boundary conditions at outlet#

Set the boundary conditions at the outlet (outlet-1).

boundary_conditions.pressure_outlet["outlet-1"].turbulence.turbulent_intensity = 0.05
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/solver/flobject.py:638: DeprecatedSettingWarning: Note: A newer syntax is available to perform the last operation:
solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.pressure_outlet['outlet-1'].turbulence.backflow_turbulent_intensity = 0.05
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/solver/flobject.py:644: DeprecatedSettingWarning:
Execute the following code to suppress future warnings like the above:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecatedSettingWarning)

Initialize flow field#

Initialize the flow field using hybrid initialization.

/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'solution' is deprecated. Use 'settings.solution' instead.

Initialize using the hybrid initialization method.

Checking case topology...
-This case has both inlets & outlets
-Pressure information is not available at the boundaries.
 Case will be initialized with constant pressure

        iter            scalar-0

        1               1.000000e+00
        2               1.886826e-04
        3               2.976111e-05
        4               7.135616e-06
        5               4.943363e-06
        6               2.097743e-06
        7               4.540569e-06
        8               1.147279e-06
        9               1.794886e-06
        10              5.654136e-07

Hybrid initialization is done.

Start calculation#

Start the calculation by requesting 100 iterations.

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
   1  1.0000e+00  6.7418e-03  7.0694e-03  7.6976e-03  6.1154e-01  2.4642e+00  0:03:01   99
   2  4.4833e-01  4.3935e-03  4.8473e-03  6.2646e-03  1.5854e-01  1.4572e-01  0:03:11   98
   3  3.4778e-01  2.1989e-03  2.5633e-03  4.2732e-03  1.0596e-01  9.4538e-02  0:03:21   97
   4  3.3726e-01  1.4369e-03  1.7859e-03  2.9289e-03  6.7911e-02  4.9773e-02  0:03:17   96
   5  3.3060e-01  1.0284e-03  1.3192e-03  2.7360e-03  5.7997e-02  3.0470e-02  0:03:12   95
   6  3.0177e-01  7.5285e-04  1.0452e-03  2.2205e-03  4.5130e-02  2.1640e-02  0:03:04   94
   7  2.8441e-01  6.3555e-04  9.0600e-04  2.1031e-03  3.6571e-02  1.7475e-02  0:02:57   93
   8  2.7115e-01  5.4613e-04  7.9723e-04  1.8930e-03  3.4003e-02  1.4616e-02  0:02:51   92
   9  2.6300e-01  4.9449e-04  7.2689e-04  1.8194e-03  2.9212e-02  1.2101e-02  0:02:46   91
  10  2.5467e-01  4.5576e-04  6.7209e-04  1.6906e-03  2.5669e-02  1.0116e-02  0:02:43   90
  11  2.4456e-01  4.3103e-04  6.2969e-04  1.6334e-03  2.2100e-02  8.7913e-03  0:02:39   89

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  12  2.3250e-01  4.0031e-04  5.8518e-04  1.5243e-03  1.9822e-02  7.6612e-03  0:02:36   88
  13  2.2151e-01  3.7506e-04  5.5014e-04  1.4455e-03  1.7574e-02  6.7422e-03  0:02:33   87
  14  2.1178e-01  3.6052e-04  5.2275e-04  1.3554e-03  1.5824e-02  5.9711e-03  0:02:30   86
  15  2.0318e-01  3.5049e-04  4.9832e-04  1.2749e-03  1.3909e-02  5.5931e-03  0:02:27   85
  16  1.9556e-01  3.4204e-04  4.7550e-04  1.1779e-03  1.2525e-02  5.0598e-03  0:02:25   84
  17  1.8978e-01  3.4969e-04  4.6821e-04  1.1136e-03  1.1441e-02  4.6735e-03  0:02:22   83
  18  1.8413e-01  3.5355e-04  4.5687e-04  1.0297e-03  1.0285e-02  4.4034e-03  0:02:20   82
  19  1.7874e-01  3.6234e-04  4.5549e-04  9.6792e-04  9.3925e-03  4.1395e-03  0:02:18   81
  20  1.7336e-01  3.7288e-04  4.5835e-04  9.1258e-04  8.6909e-03  3.9563e-03  0:02:16   80
  21  1.6815e-01  3.8238e-04  4.6124e-04  8.6381e-04  8.1392e-03  3.8180e-03  0:02:14   79
  22  1.6310e-01  3.9194e-04  4.6523e-04  8.2043e-04  7.7027e-03  3.7144e-03  0:02:13   78

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  23  1.5850e-01  4.0019e-04  4.6742e-04  7.8069e-04  7.3627e-03  3.6847e-03  0:02:11   77
  24  1.5338e-01  4.0693e-04  4.6845e-04  7.4360e-04  7.1837e-03  3.6419e-03  0:02:09   76
  25  1.4846e-01  4.1247e-04  4.6816e-04  7.1219e-04  6.9706e-03  3.5397e-03  0:02:07   75
  26  1.4343e-01  4.1338e-04  4.6352e-04  6.8001e-04  6.7116e-03  3.3734e-03  0:02:06   74
  27  1.3871e-01  4.1202e-04  4.5615e-04  6.5267e-04  6.4315e-03  3.2018e-03  0:02:04   73
  28  1.3359e-01  4.0536e-04  4.4413e-04  6.2377e-04  6.1107e-03  3.0672e-03  0:02:02   72
  29  1.2899e-01  3.9623e-04  4.3083e-04  5.9738e-04  5.8117e-03  2.9287e-03  0:02:01   71
  30  1.2404e-01  3.8285e-04  4.1374e-04  5.7114e-04  5.4870e-03  2.8008e-03  0:01:59   70
  31  1.1991e-01  3.6822e-04  3.9590e-04  5.4790e-04  5.1916e-03  2.6525e-03  0:01:57   69
  32  1.1568e-01  3.5132e-04  3.7561e-04  5.2277e-04  4.8260e-03  2.5055e-03  0:01:56   68
  33  1.1170e-01  3.3306e-04  3.5624e-04  5.0030e-04  4.5415e-03  2.3853e-03  0:01:54   67

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  34  1.0810e-01  3.1432e-04  3.3755e-04  4.7858e-04  4.2329e-03  2.2487e-03  0:01:52   66
  35  1.0529e-01  2.9596e-04  3.2007e-04  4.5868e-04  3.9387e-03  2.1150e-03  0:01:50   65
  36  1.0213e-01  2.7753e-04  3.0281e-04  4.3686e-04  3.6150e-03  1.9525e-03  0:01:49   64
  37  9.9215e-02  2.6007e-04  2.8713e-04  4.1714e-04  3.3286e-03  1.8437e-03  0:01:58   63
  38  9.6112e-02  2.4349e-04  2.7183e-04  3.9452e-04  3.0415e-03  1.6985e-03  0:01:54   62
  39  9.3473e-02  2.2944e-04  2.5804e-04  3.7596e-04  2.8013e-03  1.5999e-03  0:01:50   61
  40  9.0926e-02  2.1663e-04  2.4430e-04  3.5447e-04  2.5649e-03  1.4950e-03  0:01:47   60
  41  8.8429e-02  2.0597e-04  2.3176e-04  3.3734e-04  2.3638e-03  1.4068e-03  0:01:44   59
  42  8.6004e-02  1.9672e-04  2.1953e-04  3.1911e-04  2.1816e-03  1.3191e-03  0:01:42   58
  43  8.3401e-02  1.8910e-04  2.0846e-04  3.0379e-04  2.0288e-03  1.2553e-03  0:01:39   57
  44  8.1065e-02  1.8216e-04  1.9832e-04  2.8991e-04  1.9224e-03  1.2056e-03  0:01:37   56

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  45  7.8636e-02  1.7642e-04  1.8979e-04  2.7821e-04  1.8103e-03  1.1682e-03  0:01:37   55
  46  7.6544e-02  1.7171e-04  1.8283e-04  2.6946e-04  1.7706e-03  1.1478e-03  0:01:35   54
  47  7.4352e-02  1.6759e-04  1.7742e-04  2.6162e-04  1.7031e-03  1.1229e-03  0:01:33   53
  48  7.2500e-02  1.6465e-04  1.7316e-04  2.5602e-04  1.6996e-03  1.1070e-03  0:01:31   52
  49  7.0515e-02  1.6195e-04  1.6977e-04  2.5074e-04  1.6784e-03  1.0910e-03  0:01:29   51
  50  6.8661e-02  1.6012e-04  1.6730e-04  2.4714e-04  1.6799e-03  1.0825e-03  0:01:26   50
  51  6.7139e-02  1.5817e-04  1.6534e-04  2.4331e-04  1.6737e-03  1.0760e-03  0:01:25   49
  52  6.5776e-02  1.5686e-04  1.6318e-04  2.4077e-04  1.6719e-03  1.0641e-03  0:01:23   48
  53  6.4596e-02  1.5541e-04  1.6142e-04  2.3802e-04  1.6658e-03  1.0595e-03  0:01:20   47
  54  6.3405e-02  1.5406e-04  1.5951e-04  2.3486e-04  1.6512e-03  1.0414e-03  0:01:19   46
  55  6.2298e-02  1.5221e-04  1.5742e-04  2.3182e-04  1.6401e-03  1.0326e-03  0:01:17   45

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  56  6.1197e-02  1.5033e-04  1.5522e-04  2.2790e-04  1.6135e-03  1.0089e-03  0:01:15   44
  57  6.0197e-02  1.4800e-04  1.5319e-04  2.2404e-04  1.5926e-03  1.0031e-03  0:01:13   43
  58  5.9176e-02  1.4553e-04  1.5087e-04  2.1955e-04  1.5516e-03  9.7462e-04  0:01:11   42
  59  5.8275e-02  1.4312e-04  1.4871e-04  2.1538e-04  1.5297e-03  9.6861e-04  0:01:09   41
  60  5.7431e-02  1.4008e-04  1.4592e-04  2.1004e-04  1.4886e-03  9.4153e-04  0:01:08   40
  61  5.6669e-02  1.3723e-04  1.4357e-04  2.0583e-04  1.4693e-03  9.3786e-04  0:01:06   39
  62  5.5824e-02  1.3382e-04  1.4073e-04  2.0088e-04  1.4351e-03  9.1581e-04  0:01:04   38
  63  5.4908e-02  1.3119e-04  1.3867e-04  1.9697e-04  1.4280e-03  9.2132e-04  0:01:03   37
  64  5.3961e-02  1.2834e-04  1.3634e-04  1.9316e-04  1.4067e-03  9.0390e-04  0:01:01   36
  65  5.3099e-02  1.2653e-04  1.3468e-04  1.9067e-04  1.4149e-03  9.0923e-04  0:00:59   35
  66  5.2255e-02  1.2492e-04  1.3290e-04  1.8877e-04  1.4184e-03  9.0004e-04  0:00:58   34

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  67  5.1326e-02  1.2389e-04  1.3132e-04  1.8726e-04  1.4395e-03  9.1417e-04  0:00:56   33
  68  5.0501e-02  1.2268e-04  1.3026e-04  1.8647e-04  1.4523e-03  9.0340e-04  0:00:54   32
  69  4.9613e-02  1.2196e-04  1.2897e-04  1.8520e-04  1.4698e-03  9.1213e-04  0:00:53   31
  70  4.8758e-02  1.2123e-04  1.2831e-04  1.8449e-04  1.4741e-03  9.0030e-04  0:00:54   30
  71  4.7914e-02  1.2019e-04  1.2690e-04  1.8295e-04  1.4799e-03  8.9886e-04  0:00:51   29
  72  4.7155e-02  1.1899e-04  1.2605e-04  1.8210e-04  1.4729e-03  8.8811e-04  0:00:49   28
  73  4.6333e-02  1.1751e-04  1.2430e-04  1.7983e-04  1.4631e-03  8.7960e-04  0:00:48   27
  74  4.5469e-02  1.1604e-04  1.2313e-04  1.7869e-04  1.4466e-03  8.7170e-04  0:00:46   26
  75  4.4650e-02  1.1422e-04  1.2123e-04  1.7641e-04  1.4286e-03  8.5824e-04  0:00:44   25
  76  4.3930e-02  1.1251e-04  1.2009e-04  1.7537e-04  1.4068e-03  8.5256e-04  0:00:42   24
  77  4.3343e-02  1.1055e-04  1.1846e-04  1.7265e-04  1.3825e-03  8.3935e-04  0:00:40   23

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  78  4.2828e-02  1.0892e-04  1.1742e-04  1.7158e-04  1.3619e-03  8.3421e-04  0:00:38   22
  79  4.2525e-02  1.0728e-04  1.1604e-04  1.6906e-04  1.3361e-03  8.2104e-04  0:00:36   21
  80  4.2332e-02  1.0592e-04  1.1556e-04  1.6815e-04  1.3216e-03  8.1590e-04  0:00:34   20
  81  4.2180e-02  1.0485e-04  1.1465e-04  1.6598e-04  1.2960e-03  8.1204e-04  0:00:32   19
  82  4.2152e-02  1.0400e-04  1.1442e-04  1.6565e-04  1.2857e-03  8.1009e-04  0:00:31   18
  83  4.2218e-02  1.0353e-04  1.1400e-04  1.6404e-04  1.2588e-03  8.0806e-04  0:00:29   17
  84  4.2412e-02  1.0313e-04  1.1401e-04  1.6389e-04  1.2437e-03  8.0265e-04  0:00:27   16
  85  4.2615e-02  1.0289e-04  1.1341e-04  1.6235e-04  1.2130e-03  8.0008e-04  0:00:25   15
  86  4.2906e-02  1.0243e-04  1.1324e-04  1.6181e-04  1.1938e-03  7.9395e-04  0:00:24   14
  87  4.2910e-02  1.0213e-04  1.1241e-04  1.5999e-04  1.1614e-03  7.9305e-04  0:00:22   13
  88  4.2705e-02  1.0128e-04  1.1160e-04  1.5916e-04  1.1397e-03  7.8441e-04  0:00:20   12

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
  89  4.2491e-02  1.0045e-04  1.1010e-04  1.5689e-04  1.1083e-03  7.7885e-04  0:00:19   11
  90  4.2205e-02  9.8946e-05  1.0866e-04  1.5505e-04  1.0849e-03  7.6966e-04  0:00:17   10
  91  4.1767e-02  9.7578e-05  1.0620e-04  1.5178e-04  1.0626e-03  7.6507e-04  0:00:15    9
  92  4.1414e-02  9.5664e-05  1.0429e-04  1.4932e-04  1.0510e-03  7.6196e-04  0:00:14    8
  93  4.0974e-02  9.3764e-05  1.0197e-04  1.4665e-04  1.0498e-03  7.6072e-04  0:00:12    7
  94  4.0478e-02  9.1822e-05  1.0054e-04  1.4532e-04  1.0608e-03  7.6488e-04  0:00:10    6
  95  3.9664e-02  9.0039e-05  9.8699e-05  1.4373e-04  1.0795e-03  7.6090e-04  0:00:08    5
  96  3.8952e-02  8.8867e-05  9.7508e-05  1.4332e-04  1.0981e-03  7.6884e-04  0:00:07    4
  97  3.8208e-02  8.7681e-05  9.5866e-05  1.4286e-04  1.1259e-03  7.7028e-04  0:00:05    3
  98  3.7663e-02  8.7012e-05  9.4769e-05  1.4311e-04  1.1488e-03  7.7952e-04  0:00:03    2
  99  3.7032e-02  8.6199e-05  9.3444e-05  1.4372e-04  1.1792e-03  7.8071e-04  0:00:02    1

iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity           k       omega     time/iter
 100  3.6574e-02  8.5899e-05  9.2456e-05  1.4410e-04  1.1980e-03  7.8597e-04  0:00:00    0

Write the case and data files#

/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'file' is deprecated. Use 'settings.file' instead.
Fast-loading "/ansys_inc/v251/fluent/fluent25.1.0/addons/afd/lib/hdfio.bin"

Writing to 441db29107b4:"/mnt/pyfluent/exhaust_system.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
      254944 cells,     1 zone  ...
      598508 faces,    23 zones ...
       93848 nodes,     1 zone  ...

  Writing boundary layer flags ...

Writing to 441db29107b4:"/mnt/pyfluent/exhaust_system.dat.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
  Writing results.

Configure graphics picture export#

Since Fluent is being run without the GUI, we will need to export plots as picture files. Edit the picture settings to use a custom resolution so that the images are large enough.

graphics = solver.results.graphics
# use_window_resolution option not active inside containers or Ansys Lab environment
if graphics.picture.use_window_resolution.is_active():
    graphics.picture.use_window_resolution = False
graphics.picture.x_resolution = 1920
graphics.picture.y_resolution = 1440
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'results' is deprecated. Use 'settings.results' instead.

Create path lines#

Create path lines highlighting the flow field, display it, then export the image for inspection.

graphics.pathline["pathlines-1"] = {
    "field": "time",
    "accuracy_control": {
        "tolerance": 0.001,
    "skip": 5,
    "release_from_surfaces": ["inlet-1", "inlet-2", "inlet-3"],

number tracked = 164, escaped = 139, incomplete = 25

Create iso-surface#

Create an iso-surface through the manifold geometry.

solver.results.surfaces.iso_surface["surf-x-coordinate"] = {
    "field": "x-coordinate",
    "zones": ["fluid-region-1"],
    "iso_values": [0.38],
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'results' is deprecated. Use 'settings.results' instead.

Create contours of velocity magnitude#

Create contours of the velocity magnitude throughout the manifold along with the mesh. Display it and export the image for inspection.

graphics.contour["contour-velocity"] = {
    "field": "velocity-magnitude",
    "surfaces_list": ["surf-x-coordinate"],
    "node_values": False,
    "range_option": {
        "option": "auto-range-on",
        "auto_range_on": {
            "global_range": False,
graphics.mesh["mesh-1"] = {
    "surfaces_list": "*",


Create scene#

Create a scene containing the mesh and the contours. Display it and export the image for inspection.

solver.results.scene["scene-1"] = {}
scene1 = solver.results.scene["scene-1"]
scene1.graphics_objects["mesh-1"].transparency = 90

graphics.views.camera.position(xyz=[1.70, 1.14, 0.29])
graphics.views.camera.up_vector(xyz=[-0.66, 0.72, -0.20])
/home/ansys/actions-runner/_work/pyfluent/pyfluent/src/ansys/fluent/core/session_solver.py:308: DeprecatedSettingWarning: 'results' is deprecated. Use 'settings.results' instead.

Close Fluent#

Close Fluent.


Total running time of the script: (4 minutes 43.013 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery