
class ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.tui_242.main_menu.solve.animate(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enters the animation menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


define(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the animation definition menu.

inverse_dft(service, version, mode, path)

Reconstruct DFT signal.

keyframe_animation(service, version, mode, path)

objects(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the object manipulation menu.

playback(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the animation playback menu.

pulse(service, version, mode, path)

Enter the pulse animation menu (only available when one or more particle track or pathline graphics objects are defined).

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class define(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enters the animation definition menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


define_monitor(service, version, mode, path)

Defines new animation.

edit_monitor(service, version, mode, path)

Changes animation monitor attributes.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class define_monitor(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Defines new animation.

class edit_monitor(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Changes animation monitor attributes.

class inverse_dft(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Reconstruct DFT signal.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


run(service, version, mode, path)

Make inverse DFT recontruction.

set(service, version, mode, path)

Set reconstruction parameters.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class run(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Make inverse DFT recontruction.

class set(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set reconstruction parameters.

class keyframe_animation(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu



__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


add_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

delete_all_keyframes(service, version, mode, ...)

delete_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

play(service, version, mode, path)

read_animation(service, version, mode, path)

set_custom_frames(service, version, mode, path)

write_animation(service, version, mode, path)

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class add_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class delete_all_keyframes(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class delete_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class play(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class read_animation(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class set_custom_frames(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu



__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


end_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

increment(service, version, mode, path)

start_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class end_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class increment(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class start_keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class write_animation(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod


class objects(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enters the object manipulation menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


clear_history(service, version, mode, path)

Clears solution animation object history.

copy(service, version, mode, path)

Copies solution animation object.

create(service, version, mode, path)

Creates new solution animation object.

delete(service, version, mode, path)

Deletes solution animation object.

edit(service, version, mode, path)

Edits solution animation object.

get_window_id(service, version, mode, path)

Get animation object window id.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class clear_history(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Clears solution animation object history.

class copy(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Copies solution animation object.

class create(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates new solution animation object.

class delete(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Deletes solution animation object.

class edit(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Edits solution animation object.

class get_window_id(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Get animation object window id.

class playback(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enters the animation playback menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


delete(service, version, mode, path)

Deletes animation sequence.

play(service, version, mode, path)

Plays the selected animation.

read(service, version, mode, path)

Reads new animation from file or already defined animations.

set_custom_frames(service, version, mode, path)

Specify a custom start frame, increment, and end frame for video export.

stored_view(service, version, mode, path)

Plays the 3D animation sequence using the view stored in the sequence.

video(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the video menu.

write(service, version, mode, path)

Writes animation sequence to the file.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class delete(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Deletes animation sequence.

class play(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Plays the selected animation.

class read(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Reads new animation from file or already defined animations.

class set_custom_frames(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Specify a custom start frame, increment, and end frame for video export.

class stored_view(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Plays the 3D animation sequence using the view stored in the sequence.

class video(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enters the video menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


advance_quality(service, version, mode, path)

Advance Quality setting.

format(service, version, mode, path)

Specifies what format the video file will be written in (MP4 | AVI | FLV | MOV | MPEG).

fps(service, version, mode, path)

Sets the target frames per second (FPS) for the saved video file.

height(service, version, mode, path)

Set the height for exporting video file.

name(service, version, mode, path)

Sets the name of the saved video file.

quality(service, version, mode, path)

Set quality for exporting video file.

scale(service, version, mode, path)

Expands or collapses the resolution based on this scaling factor.

set_standard_resolution(service, version, ...)

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

use_original_resolution(service, version, ...)

Controls whether the resolution of the saved video file matches that of the images used to create it.

width(service, version, mode, path)

Set the width for exporting video file.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class advance_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Advance Quality setting.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


bitrate(service, version, mode, path)

Set video bitrate(kbits/sec) for exporting video file.

bitrate_scale(service, version, mode, path)

Mp4 bitrate scale - Best-64000 High-32000 Medium-16000 Low-8000.

compression_method(service, version, mode, path)

Compression methode for Microsoft AVI movie.

enable_h264(service, version, mode, path)

H264 encoding flag.

keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

Set video keyframe rate for exporting video file.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class bitrate(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set video bitrate(kbits/sec) for exporting video file.

class bitrate_scale(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Mp4 bitrate scale - Best-64000 High-32000 Medium-16000 Low-8000.

class compression_method(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Compression methode for Microsoft AVI movie.

class enable_h264(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

H264 encoding flag.

class keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set video keyframe rate for exporting video file.

class format(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Specifies what format the video file will be written in (MP4 | AVI | FLV | MOV | MPEG).

class fps(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Sets the target frames per second (FPS) for the saved video file.

class height(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the height for exporting video file.

class name(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Sets the name of the saved video file.

class quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set quality for exporting video file.

class scale(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Expands or collapses the resolution based on this scaling factor.

class set_standard_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

class use_original_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Controls whether the resolution of the saved video file matches that of the images used to create it.

class width(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the width for exporting video file.

class write(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Writes animation sequence to the file.

class pulse(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the pulse animation menu (only available when one or more particle track or pathline graphics objects are defined).


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


hardcopy(service, version, mode, path)

Hardcopy options menu.

pulse_mode(service, version, mode, path)

Set whether the pulse is a single pulse or continuous.

video(service, version, mode, path)

Enter the video window options menu.

write(service, version, mode, path)

Select a pathline or particle track graphics object, specify whether you want to write a video file or picture files, and enter the destination directory for the files.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class hardcopy(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Hardcopy options menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


color_mode(service, version, mode, path)

Enter the hardcopy color mode menu.

dpi(service, version, mode, path)

Set the DPI for EPS and Postscript files, specifies the resolution in dots per inch (DPI) instead of setting the width and height.

driver(service, version, mode, path)

Enter the set hardcopy driver menu.

invert_background(service, version, mode, path)

Use a white background when the picture is saved.

jpeg_hardcopy_quality(service, version, ...)

To set jpeg hardcopy quality.

landscape(service, version, mode, path)

Plot hardcopies in landscape or portrait orientation.

preview(service, version, mode, path)

Display a preview image of a hardcopy.

raytracer_image(service, version, mode, path)

Enable raytracering rendering.

set_standard_resolution(service, version, ...)

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

use_window_resolution(service, version, ...)

Use the currently active window's resolution for hardcopy (ignores the x-resolution and y-resolution in this case).

x_resolution(service, version, mode, path)

Set the width of raster-formatted images in pixels (0 implies current window size).

y_resolution(service, version, mode, path)

Set the height of raster-formatted images in pixels (0 implies current window size).

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class color_mode(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the hardcopy color mode menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


color(service, version, mode, path)

Plot hardcopies in color.

gray_scale(service, version, mode, path)

Convert color to grayscale for hardcopy.

list(service, version, mode, path)

Display the current hardcopy color mode.

mono_chrome(service, version, mode, path)

Convert color to monochrome (black and white) for hardcopy.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class color(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Plot hardcopies in color.

class gray_scale(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Convert color to grayscale for hardcopy.

class list(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Display the current hardcopy color mode.

class mono_chrome(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Convert color to monochrome (black and white) for hardcopy.

class dpi(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the DPI for EPS and Postscript files, specifies the resolution in dots per inch (DPI) instead of setting the width and height.

class driver(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the set hardcopy driver menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


avz(service, version, mode, path)

Use AVZ output for hardcopies.

dump_window(service, version, mode, path)

Set the command used to dump the graphics window to a file.

eps(service, version, mode, path)

Produce encapsulated PostScript (EPS) output for hardcopies.

glb(service, version, mode, path)

Use GLB output for hardcopies.

hsf(service, version, mode, path)

Use HSF output for hardcopies.

jpeg(service, version, mode, path)

Produce JPEG output for hardcopies.

list(service, version, mode, path)

List the current hardcopy driver.

options(service, version, mode, path)

Set the hardcopy options.

png(service, version, mode, path)

Use PNG output for hardcopies.

post_format(service, version, mode, path)

Enter the PostScript driver format menu.

post_script(service, version, mode, path)

Produce PostScript output for hardcopies.

ppm(service, version, mode, path)

Produce PPM output for hardcopies.

tiff(service, version, mode, path)

Use TIFF output for hardcopies.

vrml(service, version, mode, path)

Use VRML output for hardcopies.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class avz(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use AVZ output for hardcopies.

class dump_window(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the command used to dump the graphics window to a file.

class eps(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Produce encapsulated PostScript (EPS) output for hardcopies.

class glb(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use GLB output for hardcopies.

class hsf(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use HSF output for hardcopies.

class jpeg(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Produce JPEG output for hardcopies.

class list(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

List the current hardcopy driver.

class options(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the hardcopy options. Available options are: “no gamma correction”, disables gamma correction of colors, “physical size = (width,height)”, where width and height are the actual measurements of the printable area of the page in centimeters. “subscreen = (left,right,bottom,top)”, where left,right, bottom, and top are numbers in [-1,1] describing a subwindow on the page in which to place the hardcopy. The options may be combined by separating them with commas.

class png(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use PNG output for hardcopies.

class post_format(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the PostScript driver format menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


fast_raster(service, version, mode, path)

Use the new raster format.

raster(service, version, mode, path)

Use the original raster format.

rle_raster(service, version, mode, path)

Use the run-length encoded raster format.

vector(service, version, mode, path)

Use vector format.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class fast_raster(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use the new raster format.

class raster(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use the original raster format.

class rle_raster(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use the run-length encoded raster format.

class vector(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use vector format.

class post_script(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Produce PostScript output for hardcopies.

class ppm(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Produce PPM output for hardcopies.

class tiff(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use TIFF output for hardcopies.

class vrml(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use VRML output for hardcopies.

class invert_background(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use a white background when the picture is saved.

class jpeg_hardcopy_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

To set jpeg hardcopy quality.

class landscape(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Plot hardcopies in landscape or portrait orientation.

class preview(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Display a preview image of a hardcopy.

class raytracer_image(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Enable raytracering rendering.

class set_standard_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

class use_window_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Use the currently active window’s resolution for hardcopy (ignores the x-resolution and y-resolution in this case).

class x_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the width of raster-formatted images in pixels (0 implies current window size).

class y_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the height of raster-formatted images in pixels (0 implies current window size).

class pulse_mode(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set whether the pulse is a single pulse or continuous.

class video(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Enter the video window options menu.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


advance_quality(service, version, mode, path)

Advance Quality setting.

format(service, version, mode, path)

Set format for exporting video file.

fps(service, version, mode, path)

Set the Frame Per Sec(FPS) for exporting video file.

height(service, version, mode, path)

Set the height for exporting video file.

name(service, version, mode, path)

Exporting video file name.

quality(service, version, mode, path)

Set quality for exporting video file.

scale(service, version, mode, path)

Set scale by which video resolution will expand.

set_standard_resolution(service, version, ...)

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

use_original_resolution(service, version, ...)

Enable original resolution.

width(service, version, mode, path)

Set the width for exporting video file.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class advance_quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Advance Quality setting.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


bitrate(service, version, mode, path)

Set video bitrate(kbits/sec) for exporting video file.

bitrate_scale(service, version, mode, path)

Mp4 bitrate scale - Best-64000 High-32000 Medium-16000 Low-8000.

compression_method(service, version, mode, path)

Compression methode for Microsoft AVI movie.

enable_h264(service, version, mode, path)

H264 encoding flag.

keyframe(service, version, mode, path)

Set video keyframe rate for exporting video file.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class bitrate(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set video bitrate(kbits/sec) for exporting video file.

class bitrate_scale(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Mp4 bitrate scale - Best-64000 High-32000 Medium-16000 Low-8000.

class compression_method(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Compression methode for Microsoft AVI movie.

class enable_h264(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

H264 encoding flag.

class keyframe(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set video keyframe rate for exporting video file.

class format(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set format for exporting video file.

class fps(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the Frame Per Sec(FPS) for exporting video file.

class height(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the height for exporting video file.

class name(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Exporting video file name.

class quality(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set quality for exporting video file.

class scale(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set scale by which video resolution will expand.

class set_standard_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Select from pre-defined resolution list.

class use_original_resolution(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Enable original resolution.

class width(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Set the width for exporting video file.

class write(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Select a pathline or particle track graphics object, specify whether you want to write a video file or picture files, and enter the destination directory for the files. Continuous pulse animations result in a 5 second video. Single pulse animations run for a full cycle.