Apply solution settings#

PyFluent allows you to use Solver TUI commands and Solver settings objects to apply solution settings, initialize, and solve.

Use solver TUI commands#

The examples on this page show how you use Solver TUI commands to apply solution settings.

Select solution method#

This example shows a comparison between the TUI command and the Python code for selecting the pressure velocity coupling scheme and setting the gradient options. Five solution methods (Index-Model) are available: 20-SIMPLE, 21-SIMPLEC, 22-PISO, 24-Coupled, and 25-Fractional Step.

TUI command

/solve/set/p-v-coupling 24
/solve/set/gradient-scheme yes
/solve/set/gradient-scheme no yes

Python code

import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent

solver = pyfluent.launch_fluent(precision="double", processor_count=2, mode="solver")"file.cas.h5")  # Coupled"yes")  # Green-Gauss Node Based"no", "yes")  # Least Squares Cell Based

Select solution controls#

This example shows a comparison between the TUI command and the Python code for selecting pressure velocity controls.

TUI command

/solve/set/p-v-controls 0.3 0.4

Python code,0.4) # Momentum and Pressure

Create report definition#

This example shows a comparison between the TUI command and the Python code for creating a report definition.

TUI command

/solve/report-definitions outlet-temp-avg surface-massavg field temperature surface-names outlet () quit

Python code

Initialize and solve#

This example shows a comparison between the TUI command and the Python code for initializing and performing a specified number of iterations.

TUI command

/solve/iterate 100

Python code

Use settings objects#

This example shows how you use Solver settings objects to apply solution settings.

Python code
