.. _ref_solver_settings_guide: Solver settings objects ======================= Solver settings objects provide a natural way to access and modify Fluent solver settings and issue commands to be executed in the Fluent solver. Accessing solver settings ------------------------- An appropriate call to the :func:`~ansys.fluent.core.launcher.launcher.launch_fluent` function returns an object (named :ref:`solver ` in the following code snippets) whose interface directly exposes the :ref:`ref_root` of the solver settings hierarchy. .. code:: python >>> import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent >>> solver = pyfluent.launch_fluent(mode=pyfluent.FluentMode.SOLVER) >>> file = solver.settings.file >>> setup = solver.settings.setup >>> solution = solver.settings.solution >>> results = solver.settings.results Note that the last three are top-level nodes in the outline tree view in Fluent's graphical user interface (GUI) --- much of this settings hierarchy has been designed in close alignment with this GUI hierarchy. Types of settings objects ------------------------- .. vale Google.Spacing = NO A settings object can be one of the primitive types: :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.Integer`, :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.Real`, :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.String`, and :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.Boolean`. A settings object can also be one of the three types of container objects: :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.Group`, :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.NamedObject`, and :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.ListObject`. - The :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.Group` type is a static container with predefined child objects that can be accessed as attributes. For example, using the expression ``solver.settings.setup.models.energy``, which resolves to :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_232.energy.energy`, which is a child of :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_232.models_1.models`, which itself is a child of :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_232.setup.setup`, and each of those three objects is a ``Group``. The names of the child objects of a group can be accessed via ``.child_names``. - The :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.NamedObject` type is a container holding dynamically created named objects. For a given ``NamedObject`` container, each contained object is of the same specific type. A given named object can be accessed using the index operator. For example, ``solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet['inlet2']`` yields a ``velocity_inlet`` object with the name ``inlet2``, assuming it exists. The current list of named object children can be accessed via ``.get_object_names()``. - The :obj:`~ansys.fluent.core.solver.flobject.ListObject` type is a container holding dynamically created unnamed objects of its specified child type (accessible via a ``child_object_type`` attribute) in a list. Children of a ``ListObject`` object can be accessed using the index operator. For example, ``solver.settings.setup.cell_zone_conditions.fluid['fluid-1'].source_terms['mass'][2]`` refers to the third (starting from index 0) mass source entry for the fluid zone named ``fluid-1``. The current number of child objects can be accessed with the ``get_size()`` method. .. vale Google.Spacing = YES Object state ------------ You can access the state of any object by "calling" it. This returns the state of the children as a dictionary for ``Group`` and ``NamedObject`` types or as a list for ``ListObject`` types: .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model() 'k-epsilon-standard' .. code-block:: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint (solver.settings.setup.models.energy(), width=1) {'enabled': True, 'inlet_diffusion': True, 'kinetic_energy': False, 'pressure_work': False, 'viscous_dissipation': False} >>> solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet['inlet1'].vmag.constant() 10.0 To modify the state of any object, you can assign the corresponding attribute in its parent object. This assignment can be done at any level. For ``Group`` and ``NamedObject`` types, the state value is a dictionary. For the ``ListObject`` type, the state value is a list. .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model = 'laminar' >>> solver.settings.setup.models.energy = { 'enabled' : False } >>> solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet['inlet1'].vmag.constant = 14 You can also access the state of an object with the ``get_state()`` method and modify it with the ``set_state()`` method. ``Real`` and ``RealList`` settings objects can incorporate units alongside values. If an object supports units, you can retrieve its value and units as an ``ansys.units.Quantity`` object using the ``as_quantity()`` method. Alternatively, you can obtain the same information as a tuple by calling the ``state_with_units()`` method. You can call the ``state_with_units()`` method on a container object. It returns a dictionary where relevant values are represented as tuples containing the value and units. Both ``ansys.units.Quantity`` objects and value-unit tuples can be used with the ``set_state()`` method of ``Real`` or ``RealList`` objects. .. code-block:: >>> diam_obj = hydraulic_diameter.as_quantity() >>> diam_tup = hydraulic_diameter.state_with_units() >>> assert diam_tup == (diam_obj.value, diam_obj.units.name) >>> hydraulic_diameter.set_state(2.0 * diam_obj) >>> assert hydraulic_diameter.units == diam_obj.units You can print the current state in a simple text format with the ``print_state`` method. For example, assume you entered: .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.print_state() The following output is returned: .. code-block:: viscous : k_epsilon_model : standard near_wall_treatment : standard-wall-fn? model : k-epsilon-standard options : viscous_heating : False curvature_correction : False production_kato_launder : False production_limiter : False energy : enabled : True pressure_work : False viscous_dissipation : False inlet_diffusion : True kinetic_energy : False multiphase : number_of_phases : 0 models : none Commands -------- Commands are methods of settings objects that you use to modify the state of the application. For example, the ``hybrid_initialize()`` method of ``solution.initialization`` initializes the solution using the hybrid initialization method. The ``command_names`` attribute of a settings object provides the names of its commands. If keyword arguments are needed, you can use commands to pass them. To access a list of valid arguments, use the ``arguments`` attribute. If you do not specify an argument, its default value is used. Arguments are also settings objects and can be of either primitive or container type. Additional metadata ------------------- Settings object methods are provided to access some additional metadata. There are a number of explicit methods and two generic methods: ``get_attr()`` and ``get_attrs()``. The following examples access the list of allowed values for a particular state of the viscous model. All string and string list objects have an ``allowed_values()`` method, which returns a list of allowed string values if such a constraint currently applies for that object or returns ``None`` otherwise. .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.allowed_values() ['inviscid', 'laminar', 'k-epsilon-standard', 'k-omega-standard', 'mixing-length', 'spalart-allmaras', 'k-kl-w', 'transition-sst', 'reynolds-stress', 'scale-adaptive-simulation', 'detached-eddy-simulation', 'large-eddy-simulation'] .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.get_attr('allowed-values') ['inviscid', 'laminar', 'k-epsilon-standard', 'k-omega-standard', 'mixing-length', 'spalart-allmaras', 'k-kl-w', 'transition-sst', 'reynolds-stress', 'scale-adaptive-simulation', 'detached-eddy-simulation', 'large-eddy-simulation'] .. code-block:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.get_attrs(['allowed-values']) {'allowed-values': ['inviscid', 'laminar', 'k-epsilon', 'k-omega', 'mixing-length', 'spalart-allmaras', 'k-kl-w', 'transition-sst', 'reynolds-stress', 'scale-adaptive-simulation', 'detached-eddy-simulation', 'large-eddy-simulation']} These examples accesses the list of zone surfaces: .. code-block:: >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux["mass_flow_rate"] = {} >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux[ "mass_flow_rate" ].zone_names.allowed_values() ['symmetry-xyplane', 'hot-inlet', 'cold-inlet', 'outlet', 'wall-inlet', 'wall-elbow', 'interior--elbow-fluid'] .. code-block:: >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux["mass_flow_rate"] = {} >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux[ "mass_flow_rate" ].zone_names.get_attr("allowed-values") ['symmetry-xyplane', 'hot-inlet', 'cold-inlet', 'outlet', 'wall-inlet', 'wall-elbow', 'interior--elbow-fluid'] .. code-block:: >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux["mass_flow_rate"] = {} >>> root.solution.report_definitions.flux[ "mass_flow_rate" ].zone_names.get_attrs(["allowed-values"]) {'allowed-values': ['symmetry-xyplane', 'hot-inlet', 'cold-inlet', 'outlet', 'wall-inlet', 'wall-elbow', 'interior--elbow-fluid']} The following table contains metadata names, corresponding methods to access this metadata, whether the method can return None, applicable object types, and returned data types: ================== ================== ================= ===================== ==================== Metadata name Method Can return None Type applicability Metadata type ================== ================== ================= ===================== ==================== ``is-active?`` ``is_active`` no all ``bool`` ``is-read-only?`` ``is_read_only`` no all ``bool`` ``default-value`` ``default`` yes all primitives type of primitive ``allowed-values`` ``allowed_values`` yes ``str``, ``str list`` ``str list`` ``min`` ``min`` yes ``int``, ``float`` ``int`` or ``float`` ``max`` ``max`` yes ``int``, ``float`` ``int`` or ``float`` ================== ================== ================= ===================== ==================== Using the ``get_attr()`` method requires knowledge of metadata names, their applicability, and the ability to interpret the raw values of the metadata. You can avoid all these issues by using the explicitly named methods. Note also that the metadata is dynamic, which means values can change based on the application state. A ``None`` value signifies that no value is currently designated for this metadata. This simple example shows you how to use a number of these explicit metadata access methods in a single solver session: .. code-block:: >>> import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent >>> from ansys.fluent.core import examples >>> from pprint import pprint >>> import_file_name = examples.download_file("mixing_elbow.msh.h5", "pyfluent/mixing_elbow") >>> solver = pyfluent.launch_fluent(mode=pyfluent.FluentMode.SOLVER) >>> solver.settings.file.read(file_type="case", file_name=import_file_name) Fast-loading... ...Done >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.is_active() True >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.is_read_only() False >>> solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.default_value() >>> pprint(solver.settings.setup.models.viscous.model.allowed_values(), width=1) ['inviscid', 'laminar', 'k-epsilon', 'k-omega', 'mixing-length', 'spalart-allmaras', 'k-kl-w', 'transition-sst', 'reynolds-stress', 'scale-adaptive-simulation', 'detached-eddy-simulation', 'large-eddy-simulation'] >>> solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet['cold-inlet'].turb_intensity.min() 0 >>> solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet['cold-inlet'].turb_intensity.max() 1 Active objects and commands --------------------------- Objects and commands can be active or inactive based on the application state. The ``is_active()`` method returns ``True`` if an object or command is currently active. The ``get_active_child_names()`` method returns a list of active children:: >>> solver.settings.setup.models.get_active_child_names() ['energy', 'multiphase', 'viscous'] The ``get_active_command_names()`` method returns the list of active commands:: >>> solver.settings.solution.run_calculation.get_active_command_names() ['iterate'] Supporting wildcards -------------------- You can use wildcards when using named objects, list objects, and string list settings. For named objects and list objects, for instance:: >>> solver.settings.setup.cell_zone_conditions.fluid["*"].source_terms["*mom*"]() {'fluid': {'source_terms': {'x-momentum': [], 'y-momentum': [], 'z-momentum': []}}} Also, when you have one or more velocity inlets with "inlet" in their names:: >>> solver.settings.setup.boundary_conditions.velocity_inlet["*inlet*"].vmag() {'velo-inlet_2': {'vmag': {'option': 'value', 'value': 50}}, 'velo-inlet_1': {'vmag': {'option': 'value', 'value': 35}} For string lists with allowed values, for instance:: >>> solver.results.graphics.contour['contour-1'].surfaces_list = 'in*' sets ``surfaces_list`` to all matches of surface names starting with ``in``, so when you prompt for the list of surfaces:: >>> solver.results.graphics.contour['contour-1'].surfaces_list() ['in1', 'in2'] The following list summarizes common wildcards: - ``*`` indicates zero or more occurrences of the preceding element. For example, ``'in*'`` lists only items starting with "in" such as in1 and in2, whereas *in* lists only items that have the string "in" within the name. - ``?`` substitutes for a single unknown character. For example, ``'gr?y'`` would list "grey" and "gray". - ``[]`` indicates a range of numbers or characters at the beginning of a string. For example, ``'[to]'`` would match anything starting with "t" and anything starting with "o" in the name. Using ``'[a-z]'`` would match anything starting with a character between "a" and "z" inclusively, or using ``'[0-9]'`` would match the initial character with any number between "0" and "9" inclusively. - ``^`` indicates a Boolean NOT function, or negation. For example, ``'^*in*'`` would list anything not containing "in". - ``|`` indicates a Boolean OR function. For example, ``'*part*|*solid*'`` would list anything containing either "part" or "solid" such as "part2-solid-1", "part2-solid-2", "part-3", "solid", and "solid-1". - ``&`` indicates a Boolean AND function. For example, ``'*part*&*solid*'`` would list anything containing both "part" and "solid" such as "part2-solid-1" and "part2-solid-2". .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: set_up/index solution