:orphan: .. _option_12: option ====== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_242.option_12.option :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Included in: ====================================================================================== ============================================================================== Parent Summary ====================================================================================== ============================================================================== :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`viscosity ` Viscosity property setting for this material. :ref:`specific_heat ` Specific-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_conductivity ` Thermal-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`molecular_weight ` Molecular-weight property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_laminar_speed ` Premix-laminar-speed property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_critical_strain ` Premix-critical-strain property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_temp ` Premix-unburnt-temp property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_density ` Premix-unburnt-density property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_heat_trans_coeff ` Premix-heat-trans-coeff property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_heat_of_comb ` Premix-heat-of-comb property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_fuel_mf ` Premix-unburnt-fuel-mf property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_adiabatic_temp ` Premix-adiabatic-temp property setting for this material. :ref:`therm_exp_coeff ` Therm-exp-coeff property setting for this material. :ref:`characteristic_vibrational_temperature ` Characteristic-vibrational-temperature property setting for this material. :ref:`absorption_coefficient ` Absorption-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`melting_heat ` Melting-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`tsolidus ` Tsolidus property setting for this material. :ref:`tliqidus ` Tliqidus property setting for this material. :ref:`liquidus_slope ` Liquidus-slope property setting for this material. :ref:`partition_coeff ` Partition-coeff property setting for this material. :ref:`eutectic_mf ` Eutectic-mf property setting for this material. :ref:`solid_diffusion ` Solid-diffusion property setting for this material. :ref:`solut_exp_coeff ` Solut-exp-coeff property setting for this material. :ref:`scattering_coefficient ` Scattering-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`scattering_phase_function ` Scattering-phase-function property setting for this material. :ref:`refractive_index ` Refractive-index property setting for this material. :ref:`formation_entropy ` Formation-entropy property setting for this material. :ref:`formation_enthalpy ` Formation-enthalpy property setting for this material. :ref:`reference_temperature ` Reference-temperature property setting for this material. :ref:`lennard_jones_length ` Lennard-jones-length property setting for this material. :ref:`lennard_jones_energy ` Lennard-jones-energy property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_accom_coefficient ` Thermal-accom-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`velocity_accom_coefficient ` Velocity-accom-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`degrees_of_freedom ` Degrees-of-freedom property setting for this material. :ref:`uds_diffusivity ` Uds-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`uds_diffusivities_child ` 'child_object_type' of uds_diffusivities. :ref:`diffusivity ` Property settings. :ref:`diffusivity_0 ` Property settings. :ref:`diffusivity_1 ` Property settings. :ref:`diffusivity_2 ` Property settings. :ref:`radial_diffusivity ` Property settings. :ref:`tangential_diffusivity ` Property settings. :ref:`axial_diffusivity ` Property settings. :ref:`electric_conductivity ` Electric-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`dual_electric_conductivity ` Dual-electric-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`lithium_diffusivity ` Lithium-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`magnetic_permeability ` Magnetic-permeability property setting for this material. :ref:`speed_of_sound ` Speed-of-sound property setting for this material. :ref:`critical_temperature ` Critical-temperature property setting for this material. :ref:`critical_pressure ` Critical-pressure property setting for this material. :ref:`critical_volume ` Critical-volume property setting for this material. :ref:`acentric_factor ` Acentric-factor property setting for this material. :ref:`latent_heat ` Latent-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`saturation_pressure ` Saturation-pressure property setting for this material. :ref:`vaporization_temperature ` Vaporization-temperature property setting for this material. :ref:`charge ` Charge property setting for this material. :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`specific_heat ` Specific-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_conductivity ` Thermal-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`planar_conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`transverse_conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`radial_conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`tangential_conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`axial_conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`conductivity_0 ` Property settings. :ref:`conductivity_1 ` Property settings. :ref:`conductivity_2 ` Property settings. :ref:`conductivity ` Property settings. :ref:`atomic_number ` Atomic-number property setting for this material. :ref:`uds_diffusivity ` Uds-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_youngs_modulus ` Struct-youngs-modulus property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_poisson_ratio ` Struct-poisson-ratio property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_start_temperature ` Struct-start-temperature property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_thermal_expansion ` Struct-thermal-expansion property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_damping_alpha ` Struct-damping-alpha property setting for this material. :ref:`struct_damping_beta ` Struct-damping-beta property setting for this material. :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`viscosity ` Viscosity property setting for this material. :ref:`specific_heat ` Specific-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_conductivity ` Thermal-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_laminar_thickness ` Premix-laminar-thickness property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_temp ` Premix-unburnt-temp property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_cp ` Premix-unburnt-cp property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_unburnt_density ` Premix-unburnt-density property setting for this material. :ref:`premix_heat_trans_coeff ` Premix-heat-trans-coeff property setting for this material. :ref:`absorption_coefficient ` Absorption-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`mass_diffusivity ` Mass-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`species_diffusivity_child ` 'child_object_type' of species_diffusivity. :ref:`reactions ` Reactions property setting for this material. :ref:`reaction_mechs ` Reaction-mechs property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_diffusivity ` Thermal-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`tmelt ` Tmelt property setting for this material. :ref:`eutectic_temp ` Eutectic-temp property setting for this material. :ref:`collision_cross_section ` Collision-cross-section property setting for this material. :ref:`child_object_type_child ` 'child_object_type' of child_object_type. :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`specific_heat ` Specific-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`thermal_conductivity ` Thermal-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`thermophoretic_co ` Thermophoretic-co property setting for this material. :ref:`scattering_factor ` Scattering-factor property setting for this material. :ref:`emissivity ` Emissivity property setting for this material. :ref:`viscosity ` Viscosity property setting for this material. :ref:`dpm_surften ` Dpm-surften property setting for this material. :ref:`electric_conductivity ` Electric-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`dual_electric_conductivity ` Dual-electric-conductivity property setting for this material. :ref:`charge_density ` Charge-density property setting for this material. :ref:`vaporization_model ` Vaporization-model property setting for this material. :ref:`thermolysis_model ` Thermolysis-model property setting for this material. :ref:`latent_heat ` Latent-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`volatile_fraction ` Volatile-fraction property setting for this material. :ref:`heat_of_pyrolysis ` Heat-of-pyrolysis property setting for this material. :ref:`binary_diffusivity ` Binary-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`binary_diffusivity ` Property settings. :ref:`diffusivity_reference_pressure ` Diffusivity-reference-pressure property setting for this material. :ref:`averaging_coefficient_t ` Averaging-coefficient-t property setting for this material. :ref:`averaging_coefficient_y ` Averaging-coefficient-y property setting for this material. :ref:`vapor_pressure ` Vapor-pressure property setting for this material. :ref:`molecular_weight ` Molecular-weight property setting for this material. :ref:`boiling_point ` Boiling-point property setting for this material. :ref:`scattering_factor ` Scattering-factor property setting for this material. :ref:`emissivity ` Emissivity property setting for this material. :ref:`dpm_surften ` Dpm-surften property setting for this material. :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`combustible_fraction ` Combustible-fraction property setting for this material. :ref:`swelling_coefficient ` Swelling-coefficient property setting for this material. :ref:`burn_stoichiometry ` Burn-stoichiometry property setting for this material. :ref:`binary_diffusivity ` Binary-diffusivity property setting for this material. :ref:`burn_hreact ` Burn-hreact property setting for this material. :ref:`burn_hreact_fraction ` Burn-hreact-fraction property setting for this material. :ref:`devolatilization_model ` Devolatilization-model property setting for this material. :ref:`combustion_model ` Combustion-model property setting for this material. :ref:`density ` Density property setting for this material. :ref:`specific_heat ` Specific-heat property setting for this material. :ref:`vp_equilib ` Vp-equilib property setting for this material. :ref:`emissivity ` Emissivity property setting for this material. :ref:`scattering_factor ` Scattering-factor property setting for this material. :ref:`reaction_model ` Reaction-model property setting for this material. ====================================================================================== ==============================================================================