:orphan: .. _main: main ==== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_242.main.main :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ========================== ===================================================================== Attribute Summary ========================== ===================================================================== :ref:`border ` Enable/disable drawing of borders around the main viewing window. :ref:`bottom ` Set the bottom boundary of the main viewing window. :ref:`left ` Set the left boundary of the main viewing window. :ref:`right ` Set the right boundary of the main viewing window. :ref:`top ` Set the top boundary of the main viewing window. :ref:`visible ` Enable/disable visibility of the main viewing window. ========================== ===================================================================== .. rubric:: Included in: ======================== ==================== Parent Summary ======================== ==================== :ref:`windows ` 'windows' child. ======================== ====================