:orphan: .. _create_multiple_plane_surfaces: create_multiple_plane_surfaces ============================== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_242.create_multiple_plane_surfaces.create_multiple_plane_surfaces :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Arguments ============================================================ ====================================================================================================== Argument Summary ============================================================ ====================================================================================================== :ref:`method ` Select the method you want to use to create the plane surface. The required inputs vary by method. :ref:`name_format ` Specify the Name Format. :ref:`x ` Specify the location on the X-axis where the YZ plane will be created. :ref:`y ` Specify the location on the Y-axis where the ZX plane will be created. :ref:`z ` Specify the location on the Z-axis where the XY plane will be created. :ref:`point ` Specify the XYZ coordinates of the point. :ref:`normal_computation_method ` Specify the normal computation method. :ref:`surface_aligned_normal ` Select the surface you want to compute the normal components. :ref:`normal ` Specify the XYZ components of the normal. :ref:`p0 ` Specify the XYZ coordinates of Point 1 for the Three Points plane creation method. :ref:`p1 ` Specify the XYZ coordinates of Point 2 for the Three Points plane creation method. :ref:`p2 ` Specify the XYZ coordinates of Point 3 for the Three Points plane creation method. :ref:`bounded ` Choose whether or not the plane is bounded by its defining points. :ref:`sample_points ` Choose whether or not you want to specify a uniform distribution of points on the plane. :ref:`edges ` Specify the point density for edges. :ref:`surfaces ` Specify the number of surfaces to be created. :ref:`spacing ` Specify the spacing. ============================================================ ====================================================================================================== .. rubric:: Included in: ============================ =============================================================================================== Parent Summary ============================ =============================================================================================== :ref:`surfaces ` Provides access to creating multiple zone surfaces and to grouping and ungrouping surfaces. ============================ ===============================================================================================