
.. _one_equation:


.. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.one_equation

.. rubric:: Attributes

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Attribute                                                                             Summary

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:ref:`data_type <data_type_3>`                 Set data type in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`hw <hw>`                                  Set hw value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`a <a>`                                     Set A value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`e <e>`                                     Set E value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`m <m>`                                     Set m value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`n <n>`                                     Set n value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`alpha0 <alpha0>`                      Set alpha0 value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`rate_table <rate_table>`          Set abuse rate table in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`hw_table <hw_table>`                      Set hw value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`hw_udf <hw_udf>`                          Set hw value in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`udf_name <udf_name_2>`         Set abuse rate udf file in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

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.. rubric:: Included in:

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Parent                                                                                     Summary

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:ref:`thermal_abuse_model <thermal_abuse_model>`       Set thermal abuse model related parameters.

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