
.. _column_value:


.. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.column_value

.. rubric:: Included in:

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Parent                                                                                                                       Summary

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:ref:`u_table <u_table>`                                                                             U-table data in the NTGK model.

:ref:`y_table <y_table>`                                                                             Y-table data in the NTGK model.

:ref:`internal_resistance_table_child <internal_resistance_table_child>`           'child_object_type' of internal_resistance_table.

:ref:`limit_current_table_child <limit_current_table_child>`                             'child_object_type' of limit_current_table.

:ref:`table_rs <table_rs>`                                                                           Rs table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r1 <table_r1>`                                                                           R1 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c1 <table_c1>`                                                                           C1 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r2 <table_r2>`                                                                           R2 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c2 <table_c2>`                                                                           C2 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r3 <table_r3>`                                                                           R3 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c3 <table_c3>`                                                                           C3 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_voc <table_voc>`                                                                        Voc table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_rs_c <table_rs_c>`                                                              Charging rs table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r1_c <table_r1_c>`                                                              Charging r1 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c1_c <table_c1_c>`                                                              Charging c1 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r2_c <table_r2_c>`                                                              Charging r2 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c2_c <table_c2_c>`                                                              Charging c2 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_r3_c <table_r3_c>`                                                              Charging r3 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_c3_c <table_c3_c>`                                                              Charging c3 table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`table_voc_c <table_voc_c>`                                                           Charging voc table data in the ECM model.

:ref:`fast_charging_table_child <fast_charging_table_child>`                             'child_object_type' of fast_charging_table.

:ref:`heat_correct_table <heat_correct_table>`                                          Data table for heat release rate correction.

:ref:`table_discharge <table_discharge>`                                                                     Discharging table data.

:ref:`table_charge <table_charge>`                                                                              Charging table data.

:ref:`rate_table <rate_table>`                                                 Set abuse rate table in the 1-eq thermal abuse model.

:ref:`capacity_fade_table <capacity_fade_table>`                                                         Define capacity fade table.

:ref:`cycle_life_table <cycle_life_table>`                                         Set cycle life table in the empirical life model.

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