
.. _camera:


.. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.camera

.. rubric:: Methods

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Method                                                                                  Summary

==============================   ==============================================================
:ref:`dolly <dolly>`                                     Adjust the camera position and target.

:ref:`field <field_11>`                               Set the field of view (width and height).

:ref:`orbit <orbit>`                   Adjust the camera position without modifying the target.

:ref:`pan <pan>`                     Adjust the camera position without modifying the position.

:ref:`position <position_1>`                                           Set the camera position.

:ref:`projection <projection>`                                       Set the camera projection.

:ref:`roll <roll>`                                                 Adjust the camera up-vector.

:ref:`target <target_1>`                     Set the point to be the center of the camera view.

:ref:`up_vector <up_vector>`                                          Set the camera up-vector.

:ref:`zoom <zoom>`                                             Adjust the camera field of view.

==============================   ==============================================================

.. rubric:: Included in:

====================   ==================

Parent                            Summary

====================   ==================
:ref:`views <views>`       'views' child.

====================   ==================