
.. _p2d_model_settings:


.. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.p2d_model_settings

.. rubric:: Attributes

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Attribute                                                                                                                     Summary

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:ref:`initial_soc <initial_soc_1>`                                                                  Set initial SOC in the P2D model.

:ref:`ref_capacity <ref_capacity_2>`                                                           Theoretical capacity in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_thickness <anode_thickness>`                                           Set negative electrode thickness in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_n_grid <anode_n_grid>`                                    Set number of grid in negative electrode zone in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_size_ratio <anode_size_ratio>`                                                    Set grid ratio for Ln in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_p_diameter <anode_p_diameter>`                              Set particle diameter in negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_n_sphere <anode_n_sphere>`                       Set number of grids across radius of particle at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_size_ratio_r <anode_size_ratio_r>`                                                Set grid ratio for rn in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_cs_max <anode_cs_max>`                                                Set max. solid Li+ conc. at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_stio_0 <anode_stio_0>`                                                         Set stoi. at 0% at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_stio_100 <anode_stio_100>`                                                   Set stoi. at 100% at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_ce_0 <anode_ce_0>`                                                   Set electrolyte Li+ conc. in anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_vof <anode_vof>`                               Set volume fraction of electrolyte in negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_filler_f <anode_filler_f>`                                    Set filler fraction in negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_ds <anode_ds>`                                              Lithium mass diffusivity in anode particles in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_ed <anode_ed>`                                                          Set activation energy for diff- in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_brugg <anode_brugg>`                                    Set Bruggeman coefficient of negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_sigma <anode_sigma>`                                           Set solid electric conductivity in anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_i0 <anode_i0_1>`                                           Set ref. rate constant in negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_er <anode_er>`                                                            Set activation energy for Er- in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_alpha_a <anode_alpha_a_1>`                                          Set anodic transfer coeff. at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_alpha_c <anode_alpha_c_1>`                                        Set cathodic Transfer Coeff. at anode in the P2D model.

:ref:`anode_ocv <anode_ocv_1>`                                                        Set ocp in negative electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_thickness <cathode_thickness>`                                       Set positive electrode thickness in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_n_grid <cathode_n_grid>`                                Set number of grid in positive electrode zone in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_size_ratio <cathode_size_ratio>`                                                Set grid ratio for Lp in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_p_diameter <cathode_p_diameter>`                          Set particle diameter in positive Electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_n_sphere <cathode_n_sphere>`                 Set number of grids across radius of particle at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_size_ratio_r <cathode_size_ratio_r>`                                            Set grid ratio for rp in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_cs_max <cathode_cs_max>`                                          Set max. solid Li+ conc. at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_stio_0 <cathode_stio_0>`                                                   Set stoi. at 0% at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_stio_100 <cathode_stio_100>`                                             Set stoi. at 100% at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_ce_0 <cathode_ce_0>`                                             Set electrolyte Li+ conc. in cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_vof <cathode_vof>`                           Set volume fraction of electrolyte in positive electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_filler_f <cathode_filler_f>`                                Set filler fraction in positive electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_ds <cathode_ds>`                                        Lithium mass diffusivity in cathode particles in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_ed <cathode_ed>`                                                      Set activation energy for diff+ in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_brugg <cathode_brugg>`                                Set Bruggeman coefficient of positive electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_sigma <cathode_sigma>`                                     Set solid electric conductivity in cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_i0 <cathode_i0_1>`                                       Set ref. rate constant in positive electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_er <cathode_er>`                                                       Set activation energy for Er+. in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_alpha_a <cathode_alpha_a_1>`                                    Set anodic transfer coeff. at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_alpha_c <cathode_alpha_c_1>`                                  Set cathodic transfer coeff. at cathode in the P2D model.

:ref:`cathode_ocv <cathode_ocv_1>`                                                    Set ocp in positive electrode in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_thickness <electrolyte_thickness>`                                        Set separator thickness in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_n_grid <electrolyte_n_grid>`                                 Set number of grid in separator zone in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_ce_0 <electrolyte_ce_0>`                                   Set electrolyte Li+ conc. in separator in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_vof <electrolyte_vof>`                            Set volume fraction of electrolyte in separator in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_brugg <electrolyte_brugg>`                                 Set Bruggeman coefficient of separator in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_de <electrolyte_de>`                                              Mass diffusivity of electrolyte in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_t_plus <electrolyte_t_plus>`                                           Set transference number t+ in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_sigma <electrolyte_sigma>`                                  Set ionic conductivity in electrolyte in the P2D model.

:ref:`electrolyte_activity <electrolyte_activity>`                                    Set electrolyte activity-term in the P2D model.

:ref:`analytical_cs <analytical_cs>`                                                              Use analytical cs in the P2D model.

:ref:`analytical_cs_order <analytical_cs_order>`                                              Set Cs function order in the P2D model.

:ref:`aging_model_enabled <aging_model_enabled_1>`                                               Enable aging model in the P2D model.

:ref:`aging_file <aging_file>`                                                                      Aging file name in the P2D model.

:ref:`aging_profile <aging_profile>`                                                   Select aging effects profile in the P2D model.

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.. rubric:: Included in:

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Parent                                         Summary

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:ref:`battery <battery>`       Battery model settings.

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