
class ansys.fluent.core.generated.meshing.tui_251.main_menu.boundary.refine(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Discusses the commands used to refine the boundary mesh.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

Initialize TUIMethod.


auto_refine(service, version, mode, path)

Automatically refines a face zone based on proximity.

clear(service, version, mode, path)

Clears all refinement marks from all boundary faces.

count(service, version, mode, path)

Counts the number of faces marked on each boundary zone.

limits(service, version, mode, path)

Prints a report of the minimum and maximum size of each specified zone.

local_regions(service, version, mode, path)

Enters the local refinement menu.

mark(service, version, mode, path)

Marks the faces for refinement.

refine(service, version, mode, path)

Refines the marked faces.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class auto_refine(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Automatically refines a face zone based on proximity. The original face zone is treated as a background mesh. Faces are refined by multiple face splitting passes, so that no face is in close proximity to any face in the current domain.

class clear(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Clears all refinement marks from all boundary faces.

class count(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Counts the number of faces marked on each boundary zone.

class limits(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Prints a report of the minimum and maximum size of each specified zone. This report will also tell you how many faces on each zone have been marked for refinement.

class mark(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Marks the faces for refinement.

class refine(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Refines the marked faces.