:orphan: .. _standalone_echem_model: standalone_echem_model ====================== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.standalone_echem_model :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ======================================================== ========================================================================================= Attribute Summary ======================================================== ========================================================================================= :ref:`enabled ` Enable standalone echem model. :ref:`life_model_enabled ` Enable physics-based battery life model. :ref:`report_time_step ` Report time step in the standalone echem model. :ref:`total_run_num_cycles ` Total run number of cycles in the standalone echem model. :ref:`total_run_time ` Total run time in the standalone echem model. :ref:`ref_temp ` Reference temperature used in the standalone echem model. :ref:`load_type ` Select mechanical load type in the standalone echem model. :ref:`external_p ` External pressure in the standalone echem model. :ref:`total_deformation ` Total deformation (%) in the standalone echem model. :ref:`external_stiff ` Set external stiffness in the standalone echem model. :ref:`ce_ec ` Set ethylene Carbonate concentration in the standalone echem model. :ref:`diff_ec ` Set ethylene carbonate diffusivity in the standalone echem model. :ref:`rho_sei ` Set SEI density in the standalone echem model. :ref:`m_sei ` Set SEI molecular weight in the standalone echem model. :ref:`kappa_sei ` Set SEI conductivity in the standalone echem model. :ref:`k0_sei ` Reference rate constant of SEI reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`ac_sei ` Transfer coefficient at cathode of SEI reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`u_sei ` Equilibrium potential of SEI reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`lithium_plating_enabled ` Enable lithium plating in the standalone echem model. :ref:`rho_li ` Lithium density in the standalone echem model. :ref:`m_li ` Lithium molecular weight in the standalone echem model. :ref:`i0_lpl ` Reference current density of Li plating reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`ac_lpl ` Transfer coefficient at cathode of Li plating reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`u_lpl ` Equilibrium potential of Li plating reaction in the standalone echem model. :ref:`beta ` Fraction of deposited Li+ forming SEI in the standalone echem model. :ref:`multiplier ` Aging effects multiplier used in the standalone echem model. :ref:`save_interval ` Save aging effects profile every N cycles in the standalone echem model. :ref:`restart_enabled ` Restart from aged battery in the standalone echem model. :ref:`restart_filename ` Specify profile file name (\*.prof,csv) in the standalone echem model. :ref:`restart_profile ` Select aging effects profile in the standalone echem model. ======================================================== ========================================================================================= .. rubric:: Methods ================================================== =========================================== Method Summary ================================================== =========================================== :ref:`run_echem_standalone ` Execute standalone echem model command. ================================================== =========================================== .. rubric:: Included in: ============================ ============================== Parent Summary ============================ ============================== :ref:`tool_kits ` Battery model's tool kits. ============================ ==============================