:orphan: .. _particle_track_child: particle_track_child ==================== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.particle_track_child :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ================================================================== ====================================================================================================== Attribute Summary ================================================================== ====================================================================================================== :ref:`name ` Specify a name for an object. :ref:`field ` Select particle line color by. :ref:`injections_list ` Select release from injections below. :ref:`range_options ` Choose range using the min max options. :ref:`range ` Choose range using the min max options. :ref:`style_attribute ` Select the style attributes. :ref:`style_attributes ` Specifies Track Style for graphic object. :ref:`vector_settings ` Select vector style. :ref:`vector_setting ` Particle-tracks Vector Style Settings. :ref:`option ` Check the Particle-tracks control options. :ref:`color_map ` Choose coloring using the colormap panel. :ref:`annotations_list ` Select the annotation objects to be added to this graphics object. :ref:`filter_settings ` Choose the filter settings. :ref:`filter_setting ` Specifies Particle Tracks Filter Settings. :ref:`options ` Check the control options. :ref:`track_single_particle_stream ` Enable track single particle stream. :ref:`skip ` Set a number to skip particle tracks. :ref:`coarsen ` Set coarsen level for particle tracks. :ref:`free_stream_particles ` Select free stream particles. :ref:`wall_film_particles ` Select wall film particles. :ref:`track_pdf_particles ` Set track pdf particles for tracks. :ref:`draw_mesh ` Select whether you would like to display the mesh alongside your graphics object. :ref:`mesh_object ` Select properties for your mesh object. :ref:`display_state_name ` Display state settings selection by name. :ref:`plot ` Enable the plot option. :ref:`axes ` Contains check buttons that allow you to set abscissa (-axis) or ordinate (-axis) characteristics. :ref:`curves ` Choose line, marker style and color for Curves. ================================================================== ====================================================================================================== .. rubric:: Methods ========================== ====================== Method Summary ========================== ====================== :ref:`display ` 'display' command. ========================== ====================== .. rubric:: Included in: ====================================== =========================== Parent Summary ====================================== =========================== :ref:`particle_track ` 'particle_track' child. ====================================== ===========================