:orphan: .. _parameters_2: parameters ========== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.parameters_2 :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ==================================================== =============================================== Attribute Summary ==================================================== =============================================== :ref:`anode_jref ` Anode Reference Current Density (A/m2). :ref:`anode_cref ` Anode Reference Concentration (kmol/m3). :ref:`anode_exp ` Anode Concentration Exponent. :ref:`anode_ex_a ` Anode Exchange Coefficient(a). :ref:`anode_ex_c ` Anode Exchange Coefficient(c). :ref:`cathode_jref ` Cathode Reference Current Density (A/m2). :ref:`cathode_cref ` Cathode Reference Concentration (kmol/m3). :ref:`cathode_exp ` Cathode Concentration Exponent. :ref:`cathode_ex_a ` Cathode Exchange Coefficient(a). :ref:`cathode_ex_c ` Cathode Exchange Coefficient(c). :ref:`leak_current ` Leakage Current Density (A/m2). :ref:`anode_stde ` Anode Half-Cell Potential (V). :ref:`cathode_stde ` Cathode Half-Cell Potential (V). :ref:`std_temp ` Standard State Temperature (K). :ref:`std_pre ` Standard State Pressure (Pa). :ref:`open_voltage ` Open-Circuit Voltage (V). :ref:`anode_entro ` Anode Reaction Entropy (j/kgmol-k). :ref:`cathode_entro ` Cathode Reaction Entropy (j/kgmol-k). :ref:`h2_diff ` H2 Reference Diffusivity (m2/s). :ref:`o2_diff ` O2 Reference Diffusivity (m2/s). :ref:`h2o_diff ` H2O Reference Diffusivity (m2/s). :ref:`other_diff ` Other Species Reference Diffusivity (m2/s). :ref:`gas_diff_exp ` Exponent for Gas Diffusion. :ref:`transfer_currrent_exp ` Exponent for Transfer Current. :ref:`rk_exp ` Exponent for Relative Permeability. :ref:`liquid_cov_exp ` Exponent for Ionomer Liquid Coverage. :ref:`liquid_diss_const ` Liquid<->Dissolved Phase Change Constant. :ref:`liquid_rho ` Liquid Density. :ref:`liquid_k ` Liquid Thermal Conductivity. :ref:`upper_liq_pre ` Upper Limit of Liquid Pressure. :ref:`lower_liq_pre ` Lower Limit of Liquid Pressure. :ref:`liq_diff ` Liquid Diffusivity in Channels. :ref:`velocity_ratio ` Ratio of V_liq/V_gas in Channels. :ref:`gas_diss_const ` Dissolved<->Gas Phase Change Constant. :ref:`osmotic_coeff ` Modification to Osmotic Drag. :ref:`lam_a1 ` Equilibrium Water Content at a=1. :ref:`lam_s1 ` Equilibrium Water Content at s=1. :ref:`n2_cross_coeff ` N2 Crossover Factor. :ref:`desublimation_rate ` Desublimation Rate. :ref:`sublimation_rate ` Sublimation Rate. ==================================================== =============================================== .. rubric:: Included in: ==================== =============================== Parent Summary ==================== =============================== :ref:`pemfc ` Enter PEMFC model settings. ==================== ===============================