:orphan: .. _injections_child: injections_child ================ .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.injections_child :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ================================================ =============================================================================== Attribute Summary ================================================ =============================================================================== :ref:`name ` Name of the object. :ref:`particle_type ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`material ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`interaction ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`injection_type ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`initial_values ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`particle_reinjector ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`physical_models ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. :ref:`parcel_method ` Help for this object class is not available without an instantiated object. ================================================ =============================================================================== .. rubric:: Included in: ============================== ======================= Parent Summary ============================== ======================= :ref:`injections ` 'injections' child. ============================== =======================