:orphan: .. _beams: beams ===== .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_251.beams :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Methods ======================================== ========================================= Method Summary ======================================== ========================================= :ref:`create ` Copy optical beam grid. :ref:`delete ` Delete selected objects. :ref:`rename ` Rename the object. :ref:`list ` List the names of the objects. :ref:`list_properties ` List active properties of the object. :ref:`make_a_copy ` Create a copy of the object. :ref:`copy ` Copy optical beam grid. ======================================== ========================================= .. rubric:: Named object type :ref:`beams_child ` .. rubric:: Included in: ====================== ================================ Parent Summary ====================== ================================ :ref:`optics ` Enter the optics model menu. ====================== ================================