
class ansys.fluent.core.generated.meshing.tui_242.main_menu.mesh.prism.post_ignore(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMenu

Contains the following options for ignoring prism cells:.


__init__(service, version, mode, path)

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.


create_cavity(service, version, mode, path)

Creates a cavity in regions where prism quality is adequate, but the quality of adjacent tetrahedra is poor.

mark_cavity_prism_cap(service, version, ...)

Marks the prism cap faces and tetrahedral cell faces bounding the cavity to be created in regions where prism quality is adequate, but the quality of adjacent tetrahedra is poor.

mark_prism_cap(service, version, mode, path)

Marks the prism cap faces for ignoring prism cells in regions of poor quality cells and sharp corners.

post_remove_cells(service, version, mode, path)

Enables you to remove prism cells in layers around poor quality cells and sharp corners.

__init__(service, version, mode, path)#

__init__ method of TUIMenu class.

class create_cavity(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Creates a cavity in regions where prism quality is adequate, but the quality of adjacent tetrahedra is poor. The cavity is created based on the tetrahedral cell zone, the quality measure and the corresponding threshold value, and the additional number of cell rings specified. You can create a cavity comprising only tetrahedral cells or optionally include prism cells in the cavity created. When prism cells are also included in the cavity, you can specify whether the non-conformal interface is to be created.

class mark_cavity_prism_cap(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Marks the prism cap faces and tetrahedral cell faces bounding the cavity to be created in regions where prism quality is adequate, but the quality of adjacent tetrahedra is poor. Specify the tetrahedral cell zone, the quality measure and the corresponding threshold value to be used, and the additional number of cell rings based on which the cavity will be created.

class mark_prism_cap(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Marks the prism cap faces for ignoring prism cells in regions of poor quality cells and sharp corners. Specify the prism cell zone and the basis for ignoring prism cells and the relevant parameters. The prism cells can be ignored based on quality, intersection, (both enabled by default), warp, and features (both disabled by default). Specify the quality measure and threshold value to be used for ignoring cells based on quality and (if applicable) the feature edges for ignoring cells based on features. Additionally, specify whether cells are to be marked in regions of high aspect ratio and based on feature angle, and the additional number of cell rings based on which prism cells will be removed.

class post_remove_cells(service, version, mode, path)#

Bases: TUIMethod

Enables you to remove prism cells in layers around poor quality cells and sharp corners. Specify the prism cell zone, the basis for ignoring prism cells (quality, intersection, warp, features) and the relevant parameters. Specify the number of cell rings to be removed around the marked cells. Cells will be marked for removal in regions of sharp corners based on quality, intersection, warp, and features (as applicable) and then extended based on the number of cell rings specified. Additional cells will be marked for removal in regions of high aspect ratio and based on feature angle (if applicable) around the exposed prism side. The boundary will be smoothed at feature corners after the prism cells have been removed. The prism-side faces exposed by the removal of the prism cells will be collected in a zone named prism-side-#, while for a zone wall-n, the faces corresponding to the ignored prism cells will be collected in a zone named wall-n:ignore. You can also optionally smooth the prism side nodes from the base node to the cap node to create better triangles for the non-conformal interface.