:orphan: .. _file_name_2: file_name ========= .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_242.file_name_2.file_name :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Included in: ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Parent Summary ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== :ref:`define_macro ` Save input to a named macro. :ref:`start_journal ` Start recording all input in a file. :ref:`write ` 'write' command. :ref:`write_case ` 'write_case' command. :ref:`write_data ` 'write_data' command. :ref:`write_case_data ` 'write_case_data' command. :ref:`start_transcript ` Start recording input and output in a file. :ref:`write_scp_file ` Write fluent input scp file for sc. :ref:`save_picture ` 'save_picture' command. :ref:`write ` Write display states to a file. :ref:`write_views ` Write selected views to a view file. :ref:`export_simulation_report_as_pdf ` Export the provided simulation report as a PDF file. :ref:`export_simulation_report_as_pptx ` Export the provided simulation report as a PPT file. :ref:`write_simulation_report_names_to_file ` Write the list of currently generated report names to a txt file. :ref:`write_simulation_report_template_file ` Write a JSON template file with this case's Simulation Report settings. :ref:`plot_sample ` 'plot_sample' command. :ref:`write_sample ` 'write_sample' command. :ref:`reduce_picked_sample ` Reduce a sample after first picking it and setting up all data-reduction options and parameters. :ref:`extended_summary ` Print extended discrete phase summary report of particle fates, with options. :ref:`write_user_setting ` Write the contents of the Modified Settings Summary table to a file. :ref:`computed_heat_rejection ` Print total heat rejection. :ref:`inlet_temperature ` Print inlet temperature. :ref:`outlet_temperature ` Print outlet temperature. :ref:`mass_flow_rate ` Print mass flow rate. :ref:`specific_heat ` Print fluid's specific heat. :ref:`summary ` Print report summary. :ref:`vbm ` 'vbm' command. :ref:`write_all_to_file ` Write all parameters value to file. ==================================================================================== ====================================================================================================