:orphan: .. _contour_child: contour_child ============= .. autoclass:: ansys.fluent.core.generated.solver.settings_242.contour_child.contour_child :show-inheritance: .. rubric:: Attributes ============================================== ========================================================================================================== Attribute Summary ============================================== ========================================================================================================== :ref:`name ` Specify a name for an object. :ref:`field ` Contains a list from which you can select the scalar field to be contoured. :ref:`filled ` Toggles between filled contours and line contours. :ref:`boundary_values ` Enabling overwrites the node values (on boundaries) with a simple average of the boundary face values. :ref:`contour_lines ` Combines filled contours with line contours. :ref:`node_values ` Toggles between using scalar field values at nodes and at cell centers for computing the contours. :ref:`surfaces_list ` Select the planar surface(s) where you want the results displayed. :ref:`range_option ` Specify whether you want the range to be Global, Local to the selected surface(s), or Custom. :ref:`coloring ` Specifies how the contours appear. :ref:`color_map ` Choose coloring using the colormap panel. :ref:`draw_mesh ` Select whether you would like to display the mesh alongside your graphics object. :ref:`mesh_object ` Select properties for your mesh object. :ref:`display_state_name ` Display state settings selection by name. :ref:`physics ` 'physics' child. :ref:`geometry ` 'geometry' child. :ref:`surfaces ` 'surfaces' child. :ref:`deformation ` 'deformation' child. :ref:`deformation_scale ` 'deformation_scale' child. ============================================== ========================================================================================================== .. rubric:: Methods ====================================== ============================= Method Summary ====================================== ============================= :ref:`display ` 'display' command. :ref:`update_min_max ` 'update_min_max' command. ====================================== ============================= .. rubric:: Included in: ======================== ==================== Parent Summary ======================== ==================== :ref:`contour ` 'contour' child. ======================== ====================